AKFAvatar - Summary
This group is not part of the GNU Project.
AKFAvatar is a fancy graphical user interface for text oriented applications, where an avatar appears on the screen, and tells things to the user written in a balloon. There can also be recorded audio files, so that the user even can hear, what it is saying.
Applications for AKFAvatar can be written in Lua, an easy to learn scripting language. It has an interface for C programs. Furthermore there are bindings for Free Pascal and GNU Pascal.
AKFAvatar already comes with quite a few ready to use applications and modules. There is for example a text-viewer, a module to make question-answer exercises and there are many more things you could do with it...
For POSIX-compatible operating systems there is a manpage viewer, and there is even a terminal emulator. So you can run many existing terminal based programs in this fancy environment.
Please check out the Max and Maurice Demo!
AKFAvatar needs SDL-1.2 and Lua 5.2 to run.
Registration Date: Sun 29 Jul 2007 09:08:17 AM UTC
License: GNU General Public License v3 or later
Development Status: 3 - Alpha
posted by akf, Thu 26 Dec 2013 02:22:14 PM UTC
AKFAvatar 0.24.3 released.
- audio: big audio files are read directly from file while playing (if possible via mmap)
- audio: AU and WAV data can be read from non-seekable streams (loaded into memory)
- fix: Pascal sound support fixed
posted by akf, Tue 13 Aug 2013 12:03:17 PM UTC
AKFAvatar 0.24.2 released.
- lua/clock.lua: resizing works (with some delay)
- lua/four_in_a_row.lua: mouse support / resizing
- lua/four_in_a_row.lua: play against computer
Lua-API changes:
- Module "akfavatar-graphic":
- new functions: graphic.set_pointer_buttons_key, graphic.set_pointer_motion_key, graphic.get_pointer_position, graphic.set_resize_key
posted by akf, Mon 29 Jul 2013 12:45:45 PM UTC
AKFAvatar 0.24.1 released.
- fix: lua/interactive_lua.lua: fix handling of incomplete lines
- Lua module "akfavatar-graphic" included in executable
- text cursor modified
- lua-akfavatar: GNU .info files can be shown as plain text (no hyperlinks)
posted by akf, Sun 30 Jun 2013 01:04:48 PM UTC
AKFAvatar 0.24.0 released.
The charset support was completely rewritten. It doesn't depend on the system's capabilities anymore, but all is included.
- fix: terminal doesn't use so much CPU time anymore
- fix: window resizing for the pager works again

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