mainantbear - a Half-Life masterserver - Summary

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Group identification
Id: 2699
System Name: antbear
Name: antbear - a Half-Life masterserver
Group Type: non-GNU software and documentation

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This group is not part of the GNU Project.

The 'antbear' server will be as powerful as the official servers in terms of processing client requests and returning the proper information.  In fact it will become even more powerful by extending the query protocol in order to support requests for player searches.

Another waypoint is making the server highly customizable to make it adaptable to the environment and machine it is running on.

Technically the server will be, depending on how it is configured, either a master or a slave or both (!) in an distributed-server environment.  This makes antbear capable of using only few resources and increases its habitat.

The programming language is Java and the APIs used should be ones already implemented by free VMs like Kaffe.

Registration Date: Wed 14 Aug 2002 12:22:52 PM UTC
License: GNU General Public License v2 or later
Development Status: 1 - Planning


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