mainConseptizer - Summary

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Id: 11300
System Name: conseptizer
Name: Conseptizer
Group Type: non-GNU software and documentation

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This group is not part of the GNU Project.

Conseptizer is the combination of two ideas:

(1.) A closure(-mimic) / higher-order programming and dynamic typing library for the C programming language (because C is still useful and it won't go away anytime soon, so we want to make ourselfes as comfortable in it as possible).

(2.) A very dynamic programming language that provides expressiveness through simplicity. It offers powerful features that cannot be found in the mainstream today. It is stack-based (like Forth, Postscript and Factor) and based on list-processing (like LISP).

Each of these two aspects can be useful on their own, but the combination and tight integration in Conseptizer means: If at some point your runtime performance requirements are not fulfilled by the dynamic language anymore, it is very easy to migrate parts of your program code to C, using the library!

Conseptizer also follows an important idea that might be completely unique today among technology intended for practical use: simplicity of its implementation. The goal is to allow application programmers to understand (and change) every aspect of its internals with reasonable effort.

Find out more at

Registration Date: Mon 19 May 2014 07:51:41 PM UTC
License: Other license - Documentation is GNU FDL. Source code is ISC License (the new version where the "and/or" wording issue was fixed)
Development Status: 4 - Beta


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