maincpIRC - C++ class based IRC protocol wrapper - Summary

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Id: 3954
System Name: cpirc
Name: cpIRC - C++ class based IRC protocol wrapper
Group Type: non-GNU software and documentation

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cpIRC is a C++ class based interface to the Internet Relay Chat protocol (RFC 1459). Although currently in the early stages of coding, the aim is to make it into a fully blown C++ implementation of the protocol. You can essentially look at it as the C++ version of the Perl Net::IRC module. Like the Net::IRC Perl module, cpIRC is built around handlers/hooks/callbacks and is a simple event driven model - for every type of event that the IRC server throws back at the client, the user can have their own particular function called - any raw event received can also be hooked.

Registration Date: Fri 14 Feb 2003 07:33:21 PM UTC
License: GNU Lesser General Public License
Development Status: 0 - Undefined


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