Emacs Weblogging - Summary
Membership Info
Group Admins:
5 active members
Group identification
Id: 7309
System Name: emacsweblogs
Name: Emacs Weblogging
Group Type: non-GNU software and documentation
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This group is not part of the GNU Project.
A weblogging client written in pure elsip for emacs. Works with a number of blogging softwares. It also supports utf-8. Some of the API that it supports are BloggerAPI, MetaWeblog and MT API.
Registration Date: Thu 10 Feb 2005 05:49:22 AM UTC
License: GNU General Public License v3 or later
Development Status: 5 - Production/Stable
Quick Overview
Memberlist (5 members)
Communication Tools
Tech Support Manager (open items: 2, total: 3)
Mailing Lists (1 public mailing list)
Development Tools
Bug Tracker (open items: 7, total: 15)
Powered by Savane 3.14-f13d.
Corresponding source code