mainFitGallery - Summary

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Group identification
Id: 10249
System Name: fitgallery
Name: FitGallery
Group Type: non-GNU software and documentation

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This group is not part of the GNU Project.

FitGallery is a lightweight and powerfull but simple gallery engine written in PHP for showing images and videos on the web with thumbnails.
FitGallery locates the thumbnails on the page optimizing space as much as possible (floating/fluid desing instead of fixed tables or columns).
FitGallery creates the thumbnails automatically using GD and ffmpeg libraries, they are cached on disk for improving performance. You leave the photos and videos in a directory and FitGallery will do the rest.

Features in release 1.01 stable:

  • Small and fast
  • DB not required (all is stored on file system)
  • Efficient HTML/CSS design (W3 compliant), scripting/plugins on client not required
  • Support for JPEG, PNG, GIF and all video formats by ffmpeg
  • Support for multilanguage (english and spanish by now)

Features in development:

  • Administration web interface
  • SVG support

Example of website built with FitGallery:

Note: This project was started on 2003-08-01 and initially hosted on Sourceforge, it was migrated to Savannah.

Registration Date: Mon 25 May 2009 05:49:59 PM UTC
License: GNU General Public License v3 or later
Development Status: 5 - Production/Stable


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FitGallery 1.01 stable
     posted by presi, Sun 26 May 2013 08:49:29 PM UTC

FitGallery 1.01 is avalible. It fix a internal problem that made it fail with recent versions of PHP.

This fix was in the repository since it was discovered.

FitGallery 1.00 stable
     posted by presi, Wed 30 Mar 2011 01:57:43 PM UTC

Finally FitGallery 1.00 is ready, this is the first stable release based on the very tested 0.9x branch.

In addition, the FitGallery homepage based on FitGallery itself has been created (

GNU Bazaar repository created
     posted by presi, Sat 14 Aug 2010 08:28:01 PM UTC

I have migrated the development to GNU Bazaar version control system. Two new branches have been created: main (with admin interface and future features) and 1.3x (future 1.30 and later revisions with current admin interface).

Old branches on GNU Arch will be kept, specially stable--1.00 (will be a 1.00 release son, I hope!) and links--0 (0.95L with URL links support).

Also, the repository has been mirrored on Launchpad with browsing support.

FitGallery links branch (0.95L)
     posted by presi, Wed 28 Apr 2010 09:27:06 AM UTC

This is a new branch of FitGallery that allows to make custom URL links for individual galleries and images. This has been implemented to create a home page for FitGallery using FitGallery itself.

I don't plan to make a release nor add this functionality to main branch, but the code is in the repository.

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