mainPortico Estate - Summary

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22 active members

Group identification
Id: 8962
System Name: fmsystem
Name: Portico Estate
Group Type: non-GNU software and documentation

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This group is not part of the GNU Project.

Portico Estate

Portico Estate is organized as a set of submodules - each with their own set of user permission-settings

  • Helpdesk (Trouble Ticket module)
  • Property (location) register - with drawing and document-archive(vfs)
  • Generic hierarchical entity modelling that via a metadatabase provides features as:
    • Equipment register with configurable custom sets of attributes per type
    • Reports/registration of any kind
    • Modeled as one of two options:
      • A table per entity_category and a column per attribute. Ideal for a integration on table-level.
      • A JSON adapted EAV-model that allows infinite types of entities to be stored within the same table-structure without any need for changing the database-schema. Ideal for storing BIM/IFC information
  • Vendor register (using Addressbook)
  • Tenant register
  • Project/workorder by email/pdf with ability to save workorders as templates for later use
    • From vendors prizebook - or
    • from templates - or
    • by custom definition as (optional) tender for bidding based on (for the moment) norwegian building standards.
  • Service agreements with prizebook with historical prizing per vendor
  • Invoice handling
    • Import from files (drop in filters)
    • Approval per Role
      • Janitor
      • Supervisor
      • Budget responsible
    • Export to payment system / accounting system
  • Rental management
  • Booking system with public frontend and internal backend
  • tracking of items across the system
  • Generic support for JasperReports
  • Interface enhanced by jquery
  • SMS gateway (ported from playsms)
  • Controller: Planned frequency based checklists related to locations and / or equipment type. Responsibilities are assigned to roles per location, and deviations are handled by the Trouble Ticket module
  • Generic support for XMLRPC and SOAP

Workorder can be used as a general tool for producing tender for bidding - the document is presented as a pdf-document.

Registration Date: Wed 06 Dec 2006 11:31:15 AM UTC
License: GNU Lesser General Public License
Development Status: 5 - Production/Stable


Latest News rss feed
Version 2.0.001 is released
     posted by sigurdne, Mon 06 Jun 2016 01:24:49 PM UTC
  • New/updated modules
  • UI transferred from YUI to JQuery
  • Supports PHP 7

Available from download section.

Version 1.0.003 is released
     posted by sigurdne, Tue 21 Jan 2014 05:02:46 PM UTC

Available from download section.

Version 1.0.002 is released
     posted by sigurdne, Fri 12 Aug 2011 09:41:13 AM UTC

Available from download section. released
     posted by sigurdne, Wed 28 Nov 2007 12:45:10 PM UTC

From download area.

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