GtkCAD - A modular CAD/CAE/CAM software - Summary
This group is not part of the GNU Project.
When engineers start a new project, they must use many separate programs to design, analyze, and create the production drawings. These separate programs are most likely from different vendors using non-compatible data formats. The translation process between all these data formats can take many non-productive hours. In addition, any changes to the design often affect many separate drawings and software programs that must be changed independently
GtkCAD is a new program that attempts to solve many of these problems by integrating these many individual programs into a program suite with a single user interface and a common data format.
GtkCAD's modular design allows the user to load plug-in modules at runtime to add the functionality needed for the task at hand. The modular design also allows the user to customize GtkCAD to suit their particular needs at any given time. For example the hydrostatics program, used by naval architects, may not be very useful to civil engineers. This potential cost savings feature allows a customer to custom-build a system based upon their needs.
Linux is a true multi-user Operating System, and GtkCAD is designed to take advantage of this by allowing multiple engineers to use a single binary copy of the program simultaneously. The use of shared libraries lowers the memory footprint by allowing multiple users of the program to share a single copy of the library, and also saves time during software upgrades. The use of a SQL database also allows controlled access of the data by several engineers simultaneously, remotely if necessary.
keywords: LINUX, Ship Design, Yacht Design, CAD, CAE, CAM
<meta keywords="ship design">
<meta keywords="yacht design">
<meta keywords="CAD CAE CAM">
<meta keywords="Linux">
Registration Date: Thu 03 Mar 2005 04:31:02 PM UTC
License: GNU General Public License v3 or later
Development Status: 3 - Alpha
posted by hjparker, Thu 29 Aug 2013 03:50:12 PM UTC
Due to contractual obligations with my new employer and the lack of users, I am suspending active development of GtkCAD.
If anyone is interested in re-activating, forking, or just plain stealing code for other projects, please contact me and I will try to help you figure it all out.
posted by hjparker, Fri 29 Jan 2010 10:16:36 PM UTC
After a much too long break, I have started to develop GtkCAD again.
I am starting by porting the code to GTK+ v2.X. I am mainly going to concentrate on the plug-in modules.
I am also planning on converting the repository to subversion. I expect that the conversion process will loose all history data. Sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.
posted by hjparker, Thu 23 Mar 2006 11:15:08 PM UTC
GtkCAD is currently undergoing a rewrite of the data structures used for Widgets in the plug-in modules and in the data models.
New plug-in modules include the shell of a weight manager using the U.S. Navy's ESWBS weight groups and a Resistance plug-in module for parametric design.

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