mainGtkMMorse - Summary

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1 active member

Group identification
Id: 9580
System Name: gtkmmorse
Name: GtkMMorse
Group Type: non-GNU software and documentation

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This group is not part of the GNU Project.

 GtkMMorse is a morse code learning tool released under GPL, which provides four type of training methods:

   1. Classic exercise

      Identify random characters played in morse code.
   2. Koch method

      Two morse characters will be played at full speed (20wpm) until you'll be able to identify at least 90 percent of them. After that, one more character will be added, and so on.
   3. Read from file

      Identify the morse code generated from a file.
   4. Callsign exercise

      Identify random callsigns played in morse code.

Registration Date: Tue 23 Oct 2007 09:22:06 AM UTC
License: GNU General Public License v2 or later
Development Status: 3 - Alpha


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