mainInterSession - Summary

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Id: 3769
System Name: intersession
Name: InterSession
Group Type: non-GNU software and documentation

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InterSession is a websession library with a database (mysql) backend. The goal is to be able to make sessions that work transparently with PHP and ASP/IIS. This is needed to write web applications that run in a mixed environment.

There are no sources at this point, we do however plan to assimilate one of the old php libs from when php did not have built in session management and port it to php4 and (C#). The next step would be to port it to C and make the php and wrappers for the C library.

We do not really need to make this session library compatible with other session libraries, just as easy to use. In fact InterSession should be a separate namespace, data that does not need to be used by different servers should stay in the local (and probably faster) session manager.

Registration Date: Sat 18 Jan 2003 11:51:45 AM UTC
License: GNU Lesser General Public License
Development Status: 1 - Planning


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