mainlibgraph - Summary

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Id: 5035
System Name: libgraph
Name: libgraph
Group Type: non-GNU software and documentation

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    libgraph is an implementation of the TurboC graphics API (graphics.h) on GNU/Linux using SDL. The library requires SDL for primitive graphics and SDL_image (to blit fonts). Functions for text display are based heavily on code "borrowed" from Karl Bartel's SFont library.
    The library is not very powerful or flexible. It is probably not suitable for use in production-quality applications. I see it more as a simple, easy-to-use 2D graphics interface - could be used for simple prototyping, visualization or studying graphics algorithms(I specifically made it for doing practicals in a course of Computer Graphics).
   A complete scheme-API is also provided as a loadable guile module.

Registration Date: Sun 10 Aug 2003 07:14:50 AM UTC
License: GNU General Public License v2 or later
Development Status: 3 - Alpha


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