mainpdnmesh:a 2D finite element program - Summary

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Id: 213
System Name: pdnmesh
Name: pdnmesh:a 2D finite element program
Group Type: non-GNU software and documentation

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This group is not part of the GNU Project.

pdnMesh is a program that can solve 2D potential problems (Poisson Equation) and eigenvalue problems (Helmholtz Equation) using the Finite Element Method. Common applications occur in electromagnetics, heat flow and fluid dynamics. It can solve problems using both Nodal Based Formulation and Edge Based (Vector) Formulation.
    * Automatic mesh generation according to given boundaries.
    * Adaptive and Interactive mesh refinement.
    * Problem solution using Cholesky Decomposition or Conjugate Gradient Method with profile storage (in progress).
    * Eigenvalue solution using LAPACK.
    * (Optionally) Eigenvalue solution using QR iteration with shifts.
    * Generating plots of contours, mesh and gradient on screen.
    * Generating Encapsulated Postscript plots of countours and mesh.
    * Generating a data file of the mesh to be used by other solvers.
    * Can import DXF files generated by CAD programs.
    * GUI is avaibale with glut and GTK/GTKGLExt. Needs OpenGL.
<meta keyword="finite element,waveguide, electromagnetic, edge element">

Registration Date: Fri 01 Jun 2001 10:14:51 AM UTC
License: GNU General Public License v2 or later
Development Status: 4 - Beta


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