mainspinneret - Summary

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Id: 7298
System Name: spinneret
Name: spinneret
Group Type: non-GNU software and documentation

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This group is not part of the GNU Project.

What is Spinneret?
Spinneret is a graphical tool for managing the data and style of web pages in a website, easily and quickly. The tool spinneret can be used to manage various links in a web page, creation of frame pages, managing the data in the web page etc through graphical window with out altering the html pages directly. It also helps you in the creation of web pages with out bothering about the links and data in the web page. Spinneret enables you to handle the data/information and style of the web page separately and combine this later using generator (publish) utility of Spinneret.

The different aspects/parts of spinneret are the following.

The Website Organizer:
It is the core part of the spinneret. In this the various web pages are organized properly to form a website. The entire website can be arranged using a tree structure of web pages. By using this structure one can have quick access to the information regarding any web page in the site. Spinneret support several styles of web pages such as frame pages, link pages, dynamic data pages etc. The styles of each page can be selected or changed using the web organizer. It also provides access to other utilities/components of the spinneret.

Data Entry Interfaces:

It consists of various graphical input screens through which the web page information can be manipulated. The interface will depend upon the style that is selected for a web page.

The HTML Generator Program:
It is an important component of the spinneret. It generates the html page using data entered by the web administrator and style pages created by the web developer. The spinneret will invoke the appropriate generator program depending on the style and style pages selected for a web page.

Style Pages:
The various style pages determine the look and feel of the webpage. It defines where to place the data information in the webpage. The spinneret style pages are pages written using HTML tags and tags defined by various styles in the spinneret. Apart from the ordinary HTML files, the data part in the style pages are replaced with the spinneret tags which is replaced by the actual data by the HTML generator program.

File Manager:
It is the utility provided in the spinneret to copy supporting files such as picture and other files during the creation of the WebPages. These files can be specified in association with a webpage or with a style page.

Plugin Manager:
It is a utility to add new styles and style pages to the spinneret. This utility will be helpful for the future updating of the software and insertion of new style pages according to the user requirements. It also provides an SQL query manager to execute SQL queries, when adding new styles through the graphical interface.

Data Base:
Spinneret uses a relational database for the storage and manipulation of various types of data.

Spinneret is written for three levels of users

Web Administrator: The person responsible for managing the contents of the website.
Web Developer: The person responsible for developing new web pages.
Application Programmer: The person who intents to create new styles for spinneret.

This help is arranged pointing to each of the above classes of users. Spinneret is provided with a set of styles and sample style pages. You and download and add new styles and style pages to the spinneret later or you can create your own styles and style pages.

Spider spinnerets are organs located on the abdomens of spiders from which spider web silk is extruded. The individual spinnerets move independently yet in a highly coordinated manner to build cocoons or webs. Similarly Spinneret is a tool which weaves(spins) the website which is a well organized collection of web pages. Spinneret creates webpages and also arranges webpages in a proper manner to form the website.


Advantages of using Spinneret
Easy insertion and deletion of web pages into the site.
Easy management of links and frames without worrying about html tags.
Easy updating of information in the website.
Easy development of web pages without worrying about complicated links and the data.
Easy updating of the tool by adding new style plugins


Limitations of using Spinneret
Now a limited no. of styles is supported.
Multi-frames are not supported now. The current frame styles can generate only frame pages which creates two sub frames.
The tool is a stand-alone application which has to be worked on the server. We cannot work remotely.
All possibilities of arranging links and data are not implemented.


Hardware: An x86 system with an internet connection
Software  :  A completely installed Redhat Linux system.
                   (Required a linux system with postgres database, perl with Gtk and DBI support, apache webserver etc installed and configured properly)

Step 1) Download the source distribution(spinneret.tar.gz)
            Untar the the source  'tar -zxvf spinneret.tar.gz'
Step 2) Login as root 'su root' (not required if you login as root)
            Start the postgres server 'service postgresql start'
            Create a user account in the postgres database 'su postgres','createuser root','exit'
            Start the apache web server 'service httpd start'
Step 3) Enter into spinneret directory 'cd spinneret'
            Run the  setup file './'
            Now Spinneret is ready for launch
Step 4) Start  Spinneret './spinneret'
             Provide 'root'  as user name and  root's password

Note: Installation as root is encouraged in order to publish the website on the Internet using apache web server.

Registration Date: Mon 07 Feb 2005 09:15:41 AM UTC
License: GNU General Public License v2 or later
Development Status: 5 - Production/Stable


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