Tetum Translation Project - Summary
This is GNU user group. It is not part of the GNU Project.
Tetun (aka Tetum) is the common language of the people of Timor Leste (East Timor).
The Tetun Translation Project aspires to be a nexus for interface translation, documentation, utilities and other information to do with Tetun and Free /Open Source Software.
Goals include :
Point Of Contact
Translation files for the Gnome Desktop environment general interface.
Pango for the same and other uses.
Dictionary Dictd formatted files.
Tetun / English English /Tetun dictionaries
Tetun / Portuguese Portuguese / Tetun dictionaries.
Translation of appropriate GNU/Linux systems documentation.
Translation of other application specific documentation.
Currently the "default" operating system is Debian GNU/ Linux though any Free Software based system would be supported.
The criteria is simple;
It's open source / free software (GPL or equivalent) and it's Tetum.
Any thing that meets that selection criteria will be considered for inclusion.
Registration Date: Thu 08 May 2003 10:40:38 AM UTC
posted by petergozz, Tue 20 Jan 2004 01:12:14 AM UTC - 2 replies
The website has been updated (again).
All functionalities (?) avavilable from the web site (as apposed to the Project site) seem to be working.
Web CVS and FTP access are not yet "engaged" . All in good time. The savannah guys are Vols just like the rest of us and are being VERY carefull.
posted by petergozz, Fri 09 Jan 2004 05:45:26 PM UTC - 5 replies
After some real grief with ssh and dsa rsa sigs ..
The good people at GNU and savannah have worked diligently toward checking securing and extending the security of the entire GNU / Savannah "domain".
I have downloaded and checked most files (and those I haven't are new :).
posted by petergozz, Sat 29 Nov 2003 05:11:02 AM UTC
The morris dictionary has been reformatted and made availible for public use at: http://www.gnu.org/software/tetum/contributors/contrib-index.html
There you should find links to a browsable "sub-site" and compressed archives
of the whole thing in xhtml and docbook-xml.
posted by petergozz, Tue 13 May 2003 04:21:17 AM UTC
The general mailing list is now operational and roughly tested.
The mailing lists links at the top of the page will take you there.

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