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Group identification
Id: 10309
System Name: vdrip
Group Type: non-GNU software and documentation

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This group is not part of the GNU Project.

VDRIP is a stand-alone encoding utility used to convert MPEG2 format
videos (TS Transport Stream or PS Program Stream).
The purpose is to get more compact files to be stored in your personal
video library in a standard way, and to be able to use them for playback
by multimedia boxes and any mpeg4 capable devices.

The chosen final format is mpeg4-ASP with the .avi containers.
It is the most widely used in many kinds of platforms.

The files produced by VDRIP are of very high quality.

VDRIP need a GNU/linux distribution with mplayer and mencoder correctly
installed and fully functional.
The Perl package is also a requirement. Most of distributions already supplies
theses requirements.

Since there is no GUI (Graphical User Interface), everything is done in
a Terminal or Console window : it is very simple!
You enter a single command to get the script file, then, you execute it
(the 2 steps can be done in one command).

For more information, download the archive file (in .tar.gz format) and
have a look in the README-en.txt file (Download section above this text).

Registration Date: Thu 06 Aug 2009 07:54:31 PM UTC
License: GNU General Public License v3 or later
Development Status: 4 - Beta


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