mainXMLNotes - Summary

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1 active member

Group identification
Id: 2529
System Name: xmlnotes
Name: XMLNotes
Group Type: non-GNU software and documentation

This group is not part of the GNU Project.

This program will help college to manage student scores by Internet.

Two parallel development of this program will be constructed.  The first one will be implemented in Java/Servlets and the second one will be written in Python.

Java Development

The first version 0.1 will be written by many people.  Information on this version will come lately.

Python Development

The first stable version (0.0.5) of this system will be a Python program with text interface to manage XML files of students scores.  The system will be able to read files, add students and, scores.

The second stable version (0.1) will give a Web interface with login access.  This will be usable only by teachers.

The third stable (0.2) version will give a Web interface for students with login access.  Students will be able to get their scores.

The fourth stable (0.3) version will manage multiple courses and their scores with login access to teachers and students.

The fifth stable (0.5) version will give a Web interface for administrators in schools to manage scores.

The complete stable version (1.0) will be integrated to the Zope Web server.

Registration Date: Mon 22 Jul 2002 02:51:28 PM UTC
License: GNU General Public License v2 or later
Development Status: 1 - Planning


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