mainYet Another Firewall For GNU/Linux - Summary

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Id: 4761
System Name: yaffl
Name: Yet Another Firewall For GNU/Linux
Group Type: non-GNU software and documentation

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Welcome to Yaffl homepage.
The 1.2.x version is composed of 1 iptables script and 1 perl script (IPFREEZE) that manages automatic blacklisting. (see )

This iptables script manage the rules insertion in the running kernel and launches This perl script listens on the netlink device for packets that are passed by the firewall (QUEUE target). If a packet is sent, ipfreeze get the source IP and insert a new rule in the firewall that will destroy every packets coming from that IP. This rule is automatically removed after a user-definable period (usually 10 or 20min).

With this system, Yaffl proposes you features as :
- Protection from floods (like syn or ping floods)
- basic anti-nmap ports detection
- whitelist and permanent blacklist
- forbidden ports (why should someone connect to the telnet port of a firewall mmmh ?)
- Masquerading and dNAT to share your internet access.

Theses iptables scripts are inteded to be used on gnu/linux systems that are always connected to the internet or to protect small simple networks. I started to write this for my personnal purposes. I do not pretend it will give you maximum security but I have been using it from more that one year and I am very happy with it.

A french site is available at
An automatic firewall configurator is available at

Registration Date: Tue 01 Jul 2003 12:34:47 AM UTC
License: GNU General Public License v2 or later
Development Status: 5 - Production/Stable


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SID Debian packages for ipfreeze perl dependances
     posted by kakadu, Thu 22 Apr 2004 06:41:30 PM UTC

Yann Dirson has packaged the needed CPAN Perl modules for ipfreeze to work. He also plans to package and submit ipfreeze in Debian unstable. Interested users should go there :


Ipfreeze-0.4.8 is out
     posted by kakadu, Fri 20 Feb 2004 09:47:59 PM UTC

Ipfreeze-0.4.8 has been released with new features :
  - command line options
  - user definable lists
  - user definable target for blacklisted hosts

I you want to know more, type " --help" ;)

Yaffl-1.2-3 is out
     posted by kakadu, Sun 02 Nov 2003 02:31:39 PM UTC

I m proud to release the 1.2-3 version of Yaffl. It comes with ipfreeze-0.4.7 and is now able to protect your computer from non-TCP flood and extends forbidden ports to UDP.
It is also possible to choose the target for the non open or forbidden TCP syn ports (DROP, REJECT, TARPIT, MIRROR).
It is possible to get and configure the firewall from


Ipfreeze-0.4.7 is out
     posted by kakadu, Sun 02 Nov 2003 02:27:01 PM UTC

This version fixes a bug present in the 0.4.6 version. It is adviced to upgrade. This new version also proposes new functionnalities :
- All IP protocols are now managed.
- UDP and ICMP are detected and notified.
- It is possible to log packets that comes from blacklisted hosts.


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