mainEnigma - Support: sr #101709, Marble Sounds


sr #101709: Marble Sounds

Submitter:  Invalid User ID <#14453>
Submitted:  Tue 07 Jan 2003 02:26:24 PM UTC
Category:  None Priority:  5 - Normal
Severity:  2 - Minor Status:  None
Privacy:  Public Assigned to:  None
Open/Closed:  Open Operating System:  None
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Sun 26 Oct 2003 05:46:22 PM UTC, comment #1: 

I just started playing Enigma and it's really neat. The sound of the
marble contacting other blocks (a metallic sound) can get pretty
annoying after a while or if the sound "adds up" by being used a lot in a
short period of time. Can the sound be subdued at all? How does that
sound compare to Oxyd?

Also, it goes without saying that the cracked floor tiles need a creak a
break sound. Rollingn on those tiles needs to be scary.


Tue 07 Jan 2003 02:26:24 PM UTC, original submission:  

I started playing Oxyd many years ago when I discovered
the files on a BBS, and while increasingly difficult to
play at higher levels, the game was relaxing.

The Oxyd sounds were a bit primitive, and I enjoy the
new sounds of Enigma and especially the ability to play
this Oxyd-clone on my new Windows-XP machine.

One thing about Oxyd that had always bugged me was
that, while sounds were produced by contacting blocks,
etc., with the marble, and while sounds were produced
by activating switches, etc., the marble itself never
produced a sound while it was rolling.

Think about it.  A rolling marble makes a subtle sound,
depending on the surface upon which it is rolling.  You
have cleverly figured out how to change the coefficient
of rolling friction, depending on the surface over
which the marble is rolling, so please give some
thought to creating a sound that mimics the sound that
an actual marble might make while rolling across a
similar surface.

For example, a marble rolling across a hard, metallic
surface would make a crisp sound, but while rolling
across a soft splintery wood surface would make a less
noticeable muted sound.  Of course, these sounds would
have to be subtle, so as not to interfere with other
subtle sounds, such as the sound of gates opening, etc.

Just a suggestion to improve the "feel" of the game.


Joe Price-O'Brien
ex-Oxyd player
Enigma player

Invalid User ID <#14453>


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