libre-en-fete - Tasks: task #130, Mise a jour du site pour la LEF...
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task #130: Mise a jour du site pour la LEF 2004
Follow 6 latest changes.
Date | Changed by | Updated Field | Previous Value | => | Replaced by |
2004-01-25 | gaspard | Percent Complete | 30% | 90% | |
2004-01-19 | gaspard | Should Start On | 2001-04-26 | 2004-02-19 | |
Should be Finished on | 2001-04-26 | 2004-02-24 | |||
Priority | 9 - Immediate | 7 - High | |||
Percent Complete | None | 30% | |||
Summary | Install Php/mysql sur Sansten | Mise a jour du site pour la LEF 2004 |
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