taskGNU Herds - Free Software Association - Tasks: task #7820, Savannah + Herds


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task #7820: Savannah + Herds

Submitter:  Davi Leal <davi>
Submitted:  Mon 03 Mar 2008 08:18:21 PM UTC
Should Start On:  Mon 03 Mar 2008 12:00:00 AM UTC Should be Finished on:  Thu 03 Mar 2011 12:00:00 AM UTC
Category:  Wishlist Priority:  1 - Later
Status:  None Privacy:  Public
Assigned to:  None Percent Complete:  0%
Open/Closed:  Open Effort:  0.00

Sun 15 Feb 2009 10:54:18 AM UTC, comment #4: 

As Bill told, this projects is just a proposal which, if success, will evolve "in directions we haven't thought of yet."

Savannah has a FS developer database. If it is possible, join is always the way to follow.


1) We could drop the gnuherds database in favor of the savannah one, which
could be extended to fit the GNU Herds needs.

  gnuherds.org could be the frontend to the right dababase backend. Even,
several data bases could be merged via a middleware, e.g., savannah and

2) The gnuherds.org web site frontend could be dropped in favor of, e.g., the
needed extra features in the Savannah web site frontend.

3) On the other hand, we could keep the gnuherds.org frontend to offer a clean
interface to the user and the identity of the Association.

4) We can keep the current design, with our frontend (web app) and our backend
(data base) but integrating the systems so as to the FS contributors can be a
GNU Herds members automatically, if she/she are debian developers, or are
registered at Savannah, or ... so no disturbing with extra form field to the
normal savannah user.

IMHO the right option is the (4).

Davi Leal <davi>
Group administrator
Fri 12 Dec 2008 10:31:51 PM UTC, comment #3: 

Nicodemo Alvaro wrote:

> I thought, one way to intergrate GNU Herds to Savane was to
> use the syndication that was placed and make a script that
> to grab the syndication.

Davi Leal <davi>
Group administrator
Sat 14 Jun 2008 08:20:54 AM UTC, comment #2: 
Davi Leal <davi>
Group administrator
Sat 14 Jun 2008 08:17:59 AM UTC, comment #1: 

Dave Crossland wrote:

> http://www.haikuware.com/bounties/ is an example of another bounties
> site - perhaps when GNU Herds supports the features they have now, we
> could approach them to use GH, or for them to deploy the GH app on
> their server? :-)

If haikuware.com refuses to use GH and instead prefer to deploy its own GH,
then it would be better design a "Generic API" than a specific one for
Savannah.  So they could optionally connect their system to the one at

Ref.: http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/gnuherds-app-dev/2008-06/msg00039.html

Davi: However will should analyze how the FS policies would be enforced.

Davi Leal <davi>
Group administrator
Mon 03 Mar 2008 08:18:21 PM UTC, original submission:  
Davi Leal <davi>
Group administrator


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