bugGnoppix - Bugs: bug #10034, Mount ntfs writable considered...


bug #10034: Mount ntfs writable considered harmful!

Submitter:  None
Submitted:  Tue 17 Aug 2004 09:43:06 AM UTC
Category:  security Severity:  3 - Normal
Item Group:  Problem Status:  None
Privacy:  Public Assigned to:  None
Open/Closed:  Open
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Fri 20 Aug 2004 11:29:41 AM UTC, comment #2: 

I downloaded the last version of gnoppix,
The interface is nice, there are a lot of software and the installation on HD is quite simple.
In fact I  use knoppix which is very nice . I want to change because I preferre Gnome 2.6.

 unfortunately there are many bugs on Gnoppix 0.8:( After installation on HD)
1. in /etc/fstab there is an error on mounting CDROM, when you use mount /cdrom. the correct line is:
/dev/hdc  /cdrom iso9660  auto,users,ro  0  0
(for me /dev/hdc)
2. There is no button on the menu to configure the network card, I use the prompt command netcardconfig, but when I reboot the data are lost , I have to do it again!!!!, no save in file!!!!!
3. there is no sndconfig , souncardconfig calls it!!!
in the same way pcimodules gives error : can't open /sys/bus/devices   and list the modules  like : snd-intel8x0 ( my sound card), e100   and so on..... but no /sys/  directory at all !!!??,

Sure there are many buggs, I 've just installed it!!
I hope an improvement, I really want to swhich to debian in general and gnome desktop precisely.

thank you for your attention
best regards

belahcene <abd_bela>
Fri 20 Aug 2004 11:27:33 AM UTC, comment #1: 

I downloaded the last version of gnoppix,
The interface is nice, there are a lot of software and the installation on HD is quite simple.
In fact I  use knoppix which is very nice . I want to change because I preferre Gnome 2.6.

 unfortunately there are many bugs on Gnoppix 0.8:( After installation on HD)
1. in /etc/fstab there is an error on mounting CDROM, when you use mount /cdrom. the correct line is:
/dev/hdc  /cdrom iso9660  auto,users,ro  0  0
(for me /dev/hdc)
2. There is no button on the menu to configure the network card, I use the prompt command netcardconfig, but when I reboot the data are lost , I have to do it again!!!!, no save in file!!!!!
3. there is no sndconfig , souncardconfig calls it!!!
in the same way pcimodules gives error : can't open /sys/bus/devices   and list the modules  like : snd-intel8x0 ( my sound card), e100   and so on..... but no /sys/  directory at all !!!??,

Sure there are many buggs, I 've just installed it!!
I hope an improvement, I really want to swhich to debian in general and gnome desktop precisely.

thank you for your attention
best regards

belahcene <abd_bela>
Tue 17 Aug 2004 09:43:06 AM UTC, original submission:  

System: Gnoppix 0.8 live cd, Windows NT4.0 SP6a, two SCSI drives

Problem: Gnoppix seems to mount ntfs partions r+w

Result: Extended NT chkdsk run after reboot, no data loss yet - but who knows?

Suggested solution: Mount ntfs read-only as default!



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