bugGNU Development Chain for 68HC11/68HC12 - Bugs: bug #1403, Branch adjustment to another...


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bug #1403: Branch adjustment to another section not correct when doing linker relaxation

Submitter:  Stephane Carrez <ciceron>
Submitted:  Sat 12 Oct 2002 10:25:17 AM UTC
Category:  binutils Severity:  3 - Normal
Item Group:  sw-bug Status:  None
Privacy:  Public Assigned to:  ciceron
Open/Closed:  Closed

Sat 12 Oct 2002 10:25:17 AM UTC, original submission:  

A jump to a different section is not relaxed correctly.
In the following assembly code:

        .sect .text
        .globl _start
        .relax  L1
        ldx     #table
        bset    0,x #4
        bra     toto

        .sect   .text.toto
        .globl  toto
        .sect .page0
        .globl table
table:  .long 0

When assembled and linked with --relax, the 'bra toto'
is adjusted but the branch becomes invalid.  This comes
from the fact that 'toto' is not in the same
section as the 'bra' which use it.

Stephane Carrez <ciceron>
Group administrator


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Follows 1 latest change.

Date Changed by Updated Field Previous Value => Replaced by
2002-10-15 ciceron Open/ClosedOpen None

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