bugSynaptic - Bugs: bug #16315, Feature Request: Local Repository...


bug #16315: Feature Request: Local Repository - Offline Install

Submitter:  None
Submitted:  Mon 10 Apr 2006 08:23:19 AM UTC
Category:  None Severity:  3 - Normal
Item Group:  None Status:  None
Privacy:  Public Assigned to:  None
Open/Closed:  Open
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Mon 10 Mar 2008 09:42:10 AM UTC, comment #2: 

Follow-up on this development:

4. Is now fixed and works wonderfully

1. File\Add downloaded packages" works OK, but ...

... It wants to install them all automatically too? Can there be an option to de-select some of the packages. eg. I got a bunch of downloads from a friend of mine and wanted to install upgrades to a few of the packages I had on my system. However, as some of the packages (that I didn't want) required some dependancies the "auto install" kept failing (basically saying that some packages were not available).

Alistair <aliby>
Mon 16 Jul 2007 09:54:42 AM UTC, comment #1: 

I posted this wuite a ling time ago and although they have not been assigned to anyone, some of them have been resolved, some with errors, some not.

1. Can now be done by using the Menu item "File/ Add downloaded packages"
2. same as above? I must see if the "download script" has to be created o the same machine or whether you can add downloaded packeages to any machine.
3. You can
4. This has been added, but there is no space between the "-c" and the download link. I have to edit all the scripts to insert a space.
5. I don't think this adds value. Open to comments.

POINT 4 fix is now a bug which needs attention.

Mon 10 Apr 2006 08:23:19 AM UTC, original submission:  

The "create download script" feature is great. I would suggest to add the flag "-c" to enable it to finish an incomplete download as well. This enables "offline installation" somewhat.

Having a low band width on my linux box I use manual offline installs with Synaptic. Having updated "packages" files I can easily select what I want to install, and then use the menu option "create download script" which generates a complete script calling "wget" to access all the files required. (I actually download the files on a windwos box at work.)
I then use "dpkg-scanpackages" and "apt-get update" in a script to refresh my "local" repository and can then install those apps using Synaptic.

1. Ability to assign a directory as a local repository.
2. Include these scripts in Synaptic to create and update the "packages" files of this repository.
3. Save and retrieve the selected packages state. (I think this is already available)
4. Add -c option to wget script
5. Automate all steps 2.3.4. by using a "wait" and "continue" switch. ("wait" would generate a download script, save the selected packages list, ..."continue" would create the packages list in the local repository using "dpkg-scanpackages", update apt-get using "apt-get update", load the previously saved selected packages list and then wait for install instruction) - I'm sure there may be more appropriate words than wait and continue.

Synaptic will not need to include an "Offline" option as synaptic will not go online download packages that are available in local or CD contents. ("aptget-update" will skip the ftp packages lists  if there is no connection)



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