bugCrack Attack! - Bugs: bug #17818, Network games fail when compiled...


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bug #17818: Network games fail when compiled with --enable-debug if started from GUI

Submitter:  Kevin Webb <kwebb>
Submitted:  Thu 21 Sep 2006 04:49:11 PM UTC
Category:  general Severity:  3 - Normal
Item Group:  networking Status:  Need Info
Privacy:  Public Assigned to:  None
Open/Closed:  Open Operating System:  None

Thu 21 Sep 2006 04:49:11 PM UTC, original submission:  

If the game is compiled with debugging turned on, networked games that are launched from the GUI will freeze in under two seconds.  The problem seems to be usage of the MESSAGE(a) macro in Communicator.cxx.  If the MESSAGE(a) macro is redefined (Game.h) to be (void (0)) as it is when debugging is turned off, the problem does not occur.  The other macros in Game.h may also be problematic, but they aren't called as frequently (or at all).

Originally we thought this was an amd64 word-size issue with enet, but this is certainly not the case.  I have reproduced the bug on amd64 and x86 Linux.

Steps to reproduce:
1) Checkout latest cvs
2) ./configure with --enable-debug
3) Compile and install the game
4) Launch two instances of the game, both via the GUI
5) Make one instance a server and have the other connect to it
6) Start the game on both client and server, wait two seconds

Kevin Webb <kwebb>
Group administrator


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