bugTransport Sample Protocol - Bugs: bug #23950, TARGA cannot start any tsp...


bug #23950: TARGA cannot start any tsp provider.

Submitter:  julian <jjbl>
Submitted:  Mon 28 Jul 2008 03:49:22 PM UTC
Category:  Targa/GDisp+ Severity:  3 - Normal
Status:  None Privacy:  Public
Assigned to:  None Open/Closed:  Open
Release:  * Unknown Fixed Release:  * Unknown
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Fri 01 Aug 2008 11:28:38 AM UTC, comment #4: 


Currently I'm not able to test the CVS version, but I expect I can check it next week. 

I have been exploring my current version (0.8.2) and I have detected a hidden configuration file in my user directory called  .targa with the xml text:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
  <!--Targa General Preferences-->
      <preference pathToGraphicModules="unknown"/>
      <preference sortingMethod="SortByProvider"/>
      <preference sortingDirection="Ascending"/>
      <preference dndScope="Unicast"/>
      <preference mainBoardPosition="0,120"/>
      <preference dataBookPosition="0,24"/>
      <preference hostPosition="0,0"/>

Could be the "unknown" attribute the source of the fail?

I have detected also that when a do right-button click on a sample name onto the graph plot, the application exit with:

GLib-CRITICAL **: file garray.c: line 343 (g_ptr_array_remove_index): assertion `index < array->len' failed.
Segmentation fault

However, the glib and gtk+1.2 seems to be properly installed. The packages that I have installed are:

i A libglib1.2-dev      - The Glib library of C routines
i A libglib21dbl        - The Glib library of C routines
i A libgtk1.2           - The GIMP tookit set of widgets for X
i A libgtk1.2-common    - Common files for the GTK+ library
i   libgtk1.2-dev       - Development files for the GIMP Tookint

Thank you very much for your help

julian <jjbl>
Group Member
Wed 30 Jul 2008 10:07:41 AM UTC, comment #3: 

The bug really seems to be in targa.
I'm not in the position to reproduce it now.
Would you be able to try TSP cvs in order to
see if the bug is still there in CVS version?

Eric NOULARD <erk>
Group administrator
Tue 29 Jul 2008 10:21:13 AM UTC, comment #2: 

Hi Eric

My System config is:

Linux, Kernel 2.6.24-16-generic in a machine i686
The distro is Ubuntu 8.04.1

I connect with the machine using Cygwin and launch the provider and the consumer in different terminals.

For example:
term1:      xterm &
term1:      ./bb_simu -s

term2:      xterm &
term2:      ./tsp_bb_provider bb_simu 32

term3:      ./targa -u localhost

Seems like bb_simu, tsp_bb_provider and targa work appropiately. The provider appear as Stopped. Then I create a graphic page and select some Sample to Display. Click on the "sample button" and Targa exit with a Segmentation fault independently of if a try Text Plot or 2D Plot.

Is the same when I try to perform the test using the tsp_stub server as provider

julian <jjbl>
Group Member
Tue 29 Jul 2008 09:25:01 AM UTC, comment #1: 

Hi Julian,

Thank you for reporting the issue.
I cc estaban which is the main targa author.

Could you precise your system config
(linux/solaris/... + version/distro)?

Could you confirm TSP providers and targa are running
on the same host?

Would you be able to give TSP current cvs a try?

Eric NOULARD <erk>
Group administrator
Mon 28 Jul 2008 03:49:22 PM UTC, original submission:  

We have test the releases from 0.7.3 to 0.8.3 and get the same problem when we try to use Targa graphical consumer with bb_simu + tsp_bb_provider or tsp_stub_server running both provider and servers in the same machine.

We launch the tsp providers and open Targa which open normally. It detects the Providers and its list of symbols, but they always appear as STOPPED. Finally, when we define a graphic plot and click on the “sampling button” Targa crash with a segmentation fault.

As an exception when we execute:

./targa -u rpc://pitagoras/StubbedServer:0 -x stub_targa_config.xml

Targa detect two different StubbedServer providers, one of them with Status “REQUEST SAMPLE” but with no sample symbols, returning another Segmentation fault when we click on sampling button.

root@pitagoras:/opt/tsp-0.8.2/bin# ./targa -u rpc://pitagoras/StubbedServer:0 -x stub_targa_config.xml
  ERROR||/home/speed/tools/tsp-0.8.2-Source/src/core/driver/tsp_consumer.c##TSP_consumer_request_sample##1021: The provider sent an unreferenced error. It looks like a bug.
Segmentation fault

This way, we have not be able to run any of the TSP examples with Targa (however they work appropriately with gdisp)

Seems like with Targa the provider couldn’t transit from STOPPED to STARTED.

julian <jjbl>
Group Member


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