bugTransport Sample Protocol - Bugs: bug #24421, Can't build on solaris 2.8


bug #24421: Can't build on solaris 2.8

Submitter:  MARTINSONS <martinsons>
Submitted:  Wed 01 Oct 2008 09:01:22 AM UTC
Category:  Build System Severity:  3 - Normal
Status:  None Privacy:  Public
Assigned to:  None Open/Closed:  Open
Release:  * 0.8.3 Fixed Release:  * Unknown
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Wed 01 Oct 2008 01:18:51 PM UTC, comment #1: 

Thank you very much for the detailed report.

Some comments for the one who will handle the bug:
the extra
should be harmless on any platform since xxx_LIBRARY
should be void on non-concerned platforms.
This is harmless if there is at least one non void lib
in the target_link_libraries arguments.

so this could be (for the bb provider case):

Concerning Lex/Flex I don't think we NEED flex
standard lex should be OK, however I do not have
solaris lex at hand to test for supported options.

If you want to force a particular lex flavour usage
you should run ccmake and edit the LEX_PROGRAM entry,
it should be avoided to try to override the cmake
discovered value from within CMakeLists.txt.

concerning RPATH handling I think this should be handled
as an option because builtin rpath have drawbacks, in particular
if you update the libraries you depends on.

I may try to incorporate those change in CVS  unless
someone want to go for it :=)

Eric NOULARD <erk>
Group administrator
Wed 01 Oct 2008 09:01:22 AM UTC, original submission:  

There is some problem to build TSP on Solaris 2.8 .

To fix that some modifications are needed :

   -The include of stdint.h in bb_core.h must be removed.
   -Then some definitions and link to libraries must be added in CMakeLists:
         TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(bb_tsp_provider ${ONCRPC_LIBRARY})
         TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(bb_tsp_provider ${SOCKET_LIBRARY})

in [TSP_SOURCE_DIR]/src/providers/ for bb_provider,generic_reader,res_reader and stub.For the consumers, just the links to libraries must be added for generic,res_writer,stdout,stdout_callback,test_group and tutorial.

   -Concerning the ascii_writer consumer ,the option -o is not recognized by the system so the path to the flex command must be added:
         SET(LEX_PROGRAM "/usr/local/bin/flex"

   -Finally,the RPATH must be forced to find some libraries,write the following in the main CMakeList:

    # use, i.e. don't skip the full RPATH for the build tree

    # when building, don't use the install RPATH already
    # (but later on when installing)

   # the RPATH to be used when installing

   # add the automatically determined parts of the RPATH
   # which point to directories outside the build tree to the    #install RPATH

Now, unless i miss something, everithing is working.


MARTINSONS <martinsons>


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