bugWeeChat - Bugs: bug #26110, /layout apply doesnt order buffers...


bug #26110: /layout apply doesnt order buffers properly when some of them are missing

Submitter:  None
Submitted:  Tue 07 Apr 2009 05:11:31 PM UTC
Votes: 1
Category:  core commands Severity:  3 - Normal
Item Group:  command Status:  Fixed
Privacy:  Public Assigned to:  flashcode
Originator Name:  sleo Originator Email:  * -email is unavailable-
Open/Closed:  Closed Release:  * 0.3.0
IRC nick:  sleo
* Mandatory Fields

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Fri 05 Aug 2011 11:57:12 AM UTC, comment #6: 

Should be definitely fixed!

Sebastien Helleu <flashcode>
Group administrator
Mon 27 Dec 2010 01:26:31 PM UTC, comment #5: 

I'd like to add that merged buffer states currently aren't restored either (possibly due to non-consecutive buffer numbers not being supported?).

Currently I am using an alias on start-up for this instead where I move the primary buffer I want to merge with to a specific number, next I merge the other buffers using the previously specified number and then apply the layout:

/alias startup /buffer Chat4All.#help;/buffer move 4;/buffer #test;/buffer merge 4;/buffer #report;/buffer merge 4;/buffer Chat4All.#help;/layout apply

It might not be clean, but it is a workaround that works for me in the mean time.

Filip H.F. "FiXato" Slagter <fixato>
Wed 31 Mar 2010 05:54:29 AM UTC, comment #4: 

In fact "/layout apply" is never called by WeeChat. But when a buffer is opened (when you join a channel for example), WeeChat will choose number for this buffer, according to layout number saved (but only for this buffer, not other buffers like /layout apply does).
If you want to force a /layout apply, I think you can set a server command like that:
/set irc.server.freenode.command "/wait 30 /layout apply"
Or a command at startup:
/set weechat.startup.command_after_plugins "/wait 30 /layout apply"
Maybe this should be done in an automatic way, I'll think about that.

Sebastien Helleu <flashcode>
Group administrator
Tue 30 Mar 2010 08:50:20 PM UTC, comment #3: 

So, I cherrypicked your commit (http://git.savannah.gnu.org/gitweb/?p=weechat.git;a=commit;h=56526db5cf0df2b115b377db82ed3b064396790b).

It seems to fix the 3 /layout apply issue I had to do, so, that's sweet :)
Well, as you told, there is still the issue as I think the /layout is called before I'm connected to my 3 IRC server (freenode, gimp.net and debian one). Can we delay the first /layout call to apply once connected, with a timeout of 30s?

Thanks again for that fix.

Didier Roche <didrocks>
Mon 29 Mar 2010 02:33:10 PM UTC, comment #2: 

Ready for test, please keep me informed if this is working fine now.
Another problem of infinite loop with /layout apply was fixed too.

For initial problem (when there are not enough buffers), more changes are needed because non consecutive numbers are not allowed today. Maybe this will change in future, but this is not really a bug, but would be a new feature.

Sebastien Helleu <flashcode>
Group administrator
Sat 16 Jan 2010 07:34:16 PM UTC, comment #1: 

As already reported on bug #28635, I have the same bug and need to run /layout apply 3 times before getting the right order (this is each time reproducible).

Opening each buffer and then /layout apply doesn't work in my case.

For the record, my setup is the following:
- one bip daemon on my server, connected to 3 IRC servers (freenode, gnome,
debian), exporting 3 network.

Before opening weechat, my .weechat/weechat.conf contains:
buffer = "core;weechat;1"
buffer = "irc;server.bip-freenode;1"
buffer = "irc;server.bip-gnome;1"
buffer = "irc;server.bip-debian;1"
buffer = "irc;bip-freenode.#ubuntu-desktop;2"
buffer = "irc;bip-freenode.#ubuntu-devel;3"
buffer = "irc;bip-freenode.#ubuntu-motu;4"
buffer = "irc;bip-freenode.#ubuntu-fr-devel;5"
buffer = "irc;bip-freenode.#quickly;6"
buffer = "irc;bip-freenode.#ubuntu-fr-admins;7"
buffer = "irc;bip-freenode.#ubuntu-fr-party;8"
buffer = "irc;bip-gnome.#gnome;9"
buffer = "irc;bip-gnome.#gnome-love;10"
buffer = "irc;bip-gnome.#gnomefr;11"
buffer = "irc;bip-gnome.#gdm;12"
buffer = "irc;bip-debian.#debian-gnome;13"
window = "1;0;0;0;irc;server.bip-debian"

Opening weechat gave me the following layout (save with /layout save all or
automatically one close):
buffer = "core;weechat;1"
buffer = "irc;server.bip-freenode;1"
buffer = "irc;server.bip-gnome;1"
buffer = "irc;server.bip-debian;1"
buffer = "irc;bip-freenode.#ubuntu-desktop;2"
buffer = "irc;bip-gnome.#gdm;3"
buffer = "irc;bip-freenode.#ubuntu-motu;4"
buffer = "irc;bip-freenode.#ubuntu-devel;5"
buffer = "irc;bip-freenode.#ubuntu-fr-devel;6"
buffer = "irc;bip-gnome.#gnome;7"
buffer = "irc;bip-gnome.#gnomefr;8"
buffer = "irc;bip-freenode.#ubuntu-fr-party;9"
buffer = "irc;bip-freenode.#ubuntu-fr-admins;10"
buffer = "irc;bip-gnome.#gnome-love;11"
buffer = "irc;bip-freenode.#quickly;12"
buffer = "irc;bip-debian.#debian-gnome;13"
window = "1;0;0;0;irc;server.bip-debian"

Didier Roche <didrocks>
Tue 07 Apr 2009 05:11:31 PM UTC, original submission:  

To reproduce,
start clean weechat install
/connect -all (to the default freenode server)

server window:
/query weetest000
/join #weetest001
/join #weetest002
/layout save

start weechat again, this time we dont open the query buffer

/connect -all

server window:
/join #weetest001
/join #weetest002
/layout apply
/layout apply

Every /layout apply will switch the two channels' places shown in /buffer. If there are more channels the order can change even more.

If you now open the query buffer that's missing and then use /layout apply, it works fine.



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  • -email is unavailable- added by fixato (Voted in favor of this item)
  • -email is unavailable- added by fixato (Posted a comment)
  • -email is unavailable- added by didrocks (Posted a comment)
  • -email is unavailable- added by flashcode (Updated the item)

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    Follow 8 latest changes.

    Date Changed by Updated Field Previous Value => Replaced by
    2011-10-22 flashcode Open/ClosedOpen Closed
    2011-08-05 flashcode StatusReady For Test Fixed
    2011-01-18 fixato Carbon-Copy- Added fixato
    2010-03-29 flashcode StatusPostponed Ready For Test
    2010-01-15 flashcode StatusIn Progress Postponed
    2009-09-16 flashcode Release3.3-dev 0.3.0
    2009-07-04 flashcode StatusNone In Progress
        Assigned toNone flashcode

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