buggNewSense GNU/Linux - Bugs: bug #28599, wifi error messages need to be...


bug #28599: wifi error messages need to be nicer on console

Submitter:  Danny Clark <djbclark>
Submitted:  Wed 13 Jan 2010 08:23:19 PM UTC
Category:  gNewSense 3 Severity:  3 - Normal
Item Group:  mipsel Status:  None
Privacy:  Public Assigned to:  djbclark
Open/Closed:  Open
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Wed 13 Jan 2010 08:23:19 PM UTC, original submission:  

(from rms)

Wifi seems to work, including WEP keys, in the newest Linux
which you thought it might fail in. [DC - this was a 2.6.31 non-gnewsense build - as of this writing rms is running 2.6.32]

However, previous versions printed messages when the device
associated, etc. That was very useful. Now that doesn't happen.

When I booted with the ALFA external wifi device plugged in,
it was named wlan1, and wlan0 was not visible.

When I booted without connecting the ALFA device
and connected it subsequently, it was named wlan1
but wlan0 was also visible and usable.

Danny Clark <djbclark>


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