buggNewSense GNU/Linux - Bugs: bug #29119, "Canada" keyboard...


bug #29119: "Canada" keyboard screw-up

Submitter:  Mark Eriksen <halfcountplus>
Submitted:  Mon 08 Mar 2010 01:49:48 PM UTC
Category:  None Severity:  3 - Normal
Item Group:  None Status:  Confirmed
Privacy:  Public Assigned to:  None
Open/Closed:  Open
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Sat 08 Jan 2011 04:24:55 PM UTC, comment #1: 

I am an English-speaking Canadian, and I can confirm Mark's post. There is no "Canadian" keyboard for English-speaking Canadians. We use the same keyboard as English-speaking Americans.

gNewSense came preinstalled on my Yeeloong, so I have not personally experienced this problem. However, if there is an "English-speaking Canadian keyboard" option in the installer which does not lead to the same result as selecting a USA keyboard, then that option should be removed, as there is no such thing.

Adam Saunders <asaun>
Mon 08 Mar 2010 01:49:48 PM UTC, original submission:  

The installer includes a "Canada" option for the keyboard -- this includes Canadian French and various other options, but also a base plain vanilla "Canada" keyboard.

There is no such thing. I'm a Canadian, we use US keyboards.  The option is fine, except it does not result in a US style keyboard.  This cannot be later corrected via the Preferences->keyboard and requires re-installation (and choosing the "USA" option).  Perhaps someone thought it was part of the commonwealth and that we import keyboards from the UK? :lol:

Anyway, this is a mistake.  You should save other Canadians (who may fall for the same ruse) some trouble and correct it.

Mark Eriksen <halfcountplus>


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