bugWeeChat - Bugs: bug #29530, Perl script filename not being...


bug #29530: Perl script filename not being stored when script is loaded.

Submitter:  bazerka <bazerka>
Submitted:  Mon 12 Apr 2010 07:17:36 PM UTC
Category:  script API plugins Severity:  3 - Normal
Item Group:  other Status:  Fixed
Privacy:  Public Assigned to:  flashcode
Originator Name:  Open/Closed:  Closed
Release:  * 0.3.2 IRC nick:  Bazerka
* Mandatory Fields

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Mon 12 Apr 2010 07:17:36 PM UTC, original submission:  

If Weechat is linked against perl which is built without multiplicity enabled, when you load a perl script its filename is not stored during registration and this causes errors , for example when upgrading the script with weeget.

<- /perl listfull

perl scripts loaded:
buffers v1.5 - Sidebar with list of buffers
written by "FlashCode <flashcode@flashtux.org>", license: GPL3

<- /infolist perl_script

Infolist 'perl_script', with pointer '' and arguments '':
pointer.......................: ptr 0x801660a60
filename......................: str ''
interpreter...................: ptr 0x80163e9a0
name..........................: str 'buffers'
author........................: str 'FlashCode <flashcode@flashtux.org>'
version.......................: str '1.5'
license.......................: str 'GPL3'
description...................: str 'Sidebar with list of buffers'
shutdown_func.................: str ''
charset.......................: str ''

<- /weeget upgrade

weeget: downloading "buffers.pl"...
perl: script removed: /usr/home/bazerka/.weechat/perl/autoload/buffers.pl
perl: script removed: /usr/home/bazerka/.weechat/perl/buffers.pl
perl: loading script "/usr/home/bazerka/.weechat/perl/buffers.pl"
perl: unable to register script "buffers" (another script already exists with this name)
perl: unable to call function "config_is_set_plugin", script is not initialized (script: -)
perl: unable to call function "config_set_plugin", script is not initialized (script: -)
perl: unable to call function "config_is_set_plugin", script is not initialized (script: -)
perl: unable to call function "config_set_plugin", script is not initialized (script: -)
perl: unable to call function "config_is_set_plugin", script is not initialized (script: -)
perl: unable to call function "config_set_plugin", script is not initialized (script: -)
perl: unable to call function "config_is_set_plugin", script is not initialized (script: -)
perl: unable to call function "config_set_plugin", script is not initialized (script: -)
perl: unable to call function "config_is_set_plugin", script is not initialized (script: -)
perl: unable to call function "config_set_plugin", script is not initialized (script: -)
perl: unable to call function "config_is_set_plugin", script is not initialized (script: -)
perl: unable to call function "config_set_plugin", script is not initialized (script: -)
perl: unable to call function "config_is_set_plugin", script is not initialized (script: -)
perl: unable to call function "config_set_plugin", script is not initialized (script: -)
perl: unable to call function "config_is_set_plugin", script is not initialized (script: -)
perl: unable to call function "config_set_plugin", script is not initialized (script: -)
perl: unable to call function "config_is_set_plugin", script is not initialized (script: -)
perl: unable to call function "config_set_plugin", script is not initialized (script: -)
perl: unable to call function "config_is_set_plugin", script is not initialized (script: -)
perl: unable to call function "config_set_plugin", script is not initialized (script: -)
perl: unable to call function "config_is_set_plugin", script is not initialized (script: -)
perl: unable to call function "config_set_plugin", script is not initialized (script: -)
perl: unable to call function "config_is_set_plugin", script is not initialized (script: -)
perl: unable to call function "config_set_plugin", script is not initialized (script: -)
perl: unable to call function "config_is_set_plugin", script is not initialized (script: -)
perl: unable to call function "config_set_plugin", script is not initialized (script: -)
perl: unable to call function "config_get_plugin", script is not initialized (script: -)
perl: unable to call function "config_get_plugin", script is not initialized (script: -)
perl: unable to call function "config_get_plugin", script is not initialized (script: -)
perl: unable to call function "config_get_plugin", script is not initialized (script: -)
perl: unable to call function "config_get_plugin", script is not initialized (script: -)
perl: unable to call function "config_get_plugin", script is not initialized (script: -)
perl: unable to call function "config_get_plugin", script is not initialized (script: -)
perl: unable to call function "config_get_plugin", script is not initialized (script: -)
perl: unable to call function "config_get_plugin", script is not initialized (script: -)
perl: unable to call function "config_get_plugin", script is not initialized (script: -)
perl: unable to call function "config_get_plugin", script is not initialized (script: -)
perl: unable to call function "config_get_plugin", script is not initialized (script: -)
perl: unable to call function "config_get_plugin", script is not initialized (script: -)
perl: unable to call function "bar_item_new", script is not initialized (script: -)
perl: unable to call function "bar_new", script is not initialized (script: -)
perl: unable to call function "hook_signal", script is not initialized (script: -)
perl: unable to call function "hook_signal", script is not initialized (script: -)
perl: unable to call function "hook_config", script is not initialized (script: -)
perl: unable to call function "bar_item_update", script is not initialized (script: -)
perl: function "register" not found (or failed) in file "/usr/home/bazerka/.weechat/perl/buffers.pl"

bazerka <bazerka>


(Note: upload size limit is set to 16384 kB, after insertion of the required escape characters.)

Attach Files:

Attached Files
file #20208:  patch-plugins-scripts-perl-weechat_perl_c.txt added by bazerka (581B - text/plain - Patch to fix issue.)


Depends on the following items: None found

Items that depend on this one: None found


Carbon-Copy List
  • -email is unavailable- added by flashcode (Updated the item)
  • -email is unavailable- added by bazerka (Submitted the item)
  • -email is unavailable- added by bazerka

    There are 0 votes so far. Votes easily highlight which items people would like to see resolved in priority, independently of the priority of the item set by tracker managers.

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    Follow 6 latest changes.

    Date Changed by Updated Field Previous Value => Replaced by
    2010-04-19 flashcode Open/ClosedOpen Closed
    2010-04-18 flashcode Release3.3-dev 0.3.2
    2010-04-12 flashcode StatusNone Fixed
        Assigned toNone flashcode
    2010-04-12 bazerka Attached File- Added patch-plugins-scripts-perl-weechat_perl_c.txt, #20208
        Carbon-Copy- Added bazerka

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