bugWeeChat - Bugs: bug #35124, WeeChat doesn't respect CHANTYPES


bug #35124: WeeChat doesn't respect CHANTYPES

Submitter:  None
Submitted:  Tue 20 Dec 2011 10:01:04 AM UTC
Category:  irc plugin Severity:  3 - Normal
Item Group:  irc protocol Status:  Fixed
Privacy:  Public Assigned to:  flashcode
Originator Name:  nyuszika7h Originator Email:  * -email is unavailable-
Open/Closed:  Closed Release:  * 0.3.6
IRC nick:  nyuszika7h
* Mandatory Fields

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Tue 03 Jan 2012 02:13:16 PM UTC, comment #2: 

Fix confirmed as ok.

Sebastien Helleu <flashcode>
Group administrator
Sun 25 Dec 2011 10:02:01 PM UTC, comment #1: 

It should be fixed, please confirm if fix is ok.
If you are upgrading (with /upgrade), you have to disconnect and reconnect to server, so that CHANTYPES will be saved in server structure and used by WeeChat.

Sebastien Helleu <flashcode>
Group administrator
Tue 20 Dec 2011 10:01:04 AM UTC, original submission:  

I'm using freenode via ZNC about a month ago or so. On the ZNC I'm using, *partyline is used, which has channel names like ~#partyline. I've noticed that WeeChat doesn't consider these channels as actual channels, even though CHANTYPES=#~ is sent by ZNC, that is CHANTYPES sent from the IRC server, and partyline prefix appended to it. Now, I get weird results when things are done on that partyline.

Action             Result
------             ------
Mode change        The modes are added to my user modes. For example, if my user modes are +Ziw, and *partyline sets
                   mode +v ?nyuszika7h on ~#partyline, then my user mode becomes +Ziwvnyuszka7h or so. When it sets
                   mode -v ?someoneelse, then modes are subtracted from me.
Channel message    The message is sent to me in query.
Channel action     See previous.

The admins have fixed this - which is also a bug in many other popular clients like irssi and Yaaic - by recompiling partyline.cpp with prefix &.



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    Follow 4 latest changes.

    Date Changed by Updated Field Previous Value => Replaced by
    2012-02-26 flashcode Open/ClosedOpen Closed
    2012-01-03 flashcode StatusReady For Test Fixed
    2011-12-25 flashcode StatusNone Ready For Test
        Assigned toNone flashcode

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