bugLithionite - Bugs: bug #35185, Lithionite does not work anymore


bug #35185: Lithionite does not work anymore

Submitter:  Ivaylo Valkov <valkov>
Submitted:  Wed 28 Dec 2011 08:08:41 AM UTC
Category:  None Severity:  4 - Important
Item Group:  None Status:  Ready For Test
Privacy:  Public Assigned to:  valkov
Open/Closed:  Open Release:  svn-trunk
Operating System:  GNU/Linux
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Sun 01 Jan 2012 08:16:59 PM UTC, comment #3: 

The time for buffering (background downloading of audio data) is set to 6s now. Fixes most of the silence gaps between audio chunks. MPlayer and aplay keeps dieing b/c audio chucks end before new data is fetched. See revision 6 or later.

Ivaylo Valkov <valkov>
Group administrator
Wed 28 Dec 2011 08:39:38 AM UTC, comment #2: 

The delay after which the next metadata and audio chunk must be fetched is dynamically calculated from the metadata.

Ivaylo Valkov <valkov>
Group administrator
Wed 28 Dec 2011 08:30:57 AM UTC, comment #1: 

I've committed a lot held fixes and changes from before the project was approved for hosting at Savannah. They are in revision 5. It is almost a complete rewrite.

Implemented a FIFO as suggested in #bug 34895 and #support 107821 (in Linterna Mágica). Implemented a loop that sleeps once every second until the time for fetching data had been reached. The previous implementation was to sleep the entire amount of time at once. The new implementation allows Mplayer and aplay to be restarted. They are dying often. The reason is unknown. When they are not, it plays without the silence (#bug 34895) between audio chunks.

Sometimes the FIFO is left filled with data from previous audio chunk and when mplayer and aplay are restarted, few seconds of different audio is heard. Might be fixed by creating the FIFO again.

Keeps playing constantly while restarting the players, but needs more fixes.

Implemented song title extraction from metadata, that seems correct.

Not tested with RTMP streams.

Because of the code changes it might (will) break in some places.

Ivaylo Valkov <valkov>
Group administrator
Wed 28 Dec 2011 08:08:41 AM UTC, original submission:  

There are reports [1] that Lithionite anymore - no audio for more than a minute.

From what I've tested it seems for some stations it does not start at all. This is caused by missing audio URL in the metadata. Second request for metadata fixes this.

[1] https://identi.ca/conversation/87277459#notice-87418965

Ivaylo Valkov <valkov>
Group administrator


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