bugLinterna Mágica - Bugs: bug #36759, YouTube Live Stream not working


bug #36759: YouTube Live Stream not working

Submitter:  Ibon <obibon>
Submitted:  Sun 01 Jul 2012 11:34:12 AM UTC
Category:  None Severity:  3 - Normal
Item Group:  None Status:  Ready For Test
Privacy:  Public Assigned to:  valkov
Open/Closed:  Open Release:  0.0.12
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Sat 03 Nov 2012 03:24:38 PM UTC, comment #11: 


I've tested few random clips from YouTube's live service with Totem plugin and it does not start because of the following messages:

TotemEmbedded-Message: Viewer state: STOPPED
TotemEmbedded-Message: totem_embedded_set_error: 'Server does not support seeking.'
TotemEmbedded-Message: totem_embedded_set_error_logo called by browser plugin

Such links are actually downloadable via the browser and wget.

MPlayer is kind of unable to play them directly via the URL. It keeps complaining about not filled cache or unresolvable addresses. When I stop it, it shows the video and audio codecs of the stream and exits. I can wach the file wget downloads though. With MPlayer and Totem.

Could you please test and confirm this? If you could test other plugins than Totem it would be nice.


Ivaylo Valkov <valkov>
Group administrator
Thu 09 Aug 2012 12:29:14 PM UTC, comment #10: 

The header is not displayed for me at that site.

Anyway, I just went to https://www.youtube.com/live again, and checked some random videos, to see if it worked on any of them.

So far I found a couple that Linterna Mágica could load directly:



I have the Totem plugin disabled and use the gecko-media-player now.

Ibon <obibon>
Tue 31 Jul 2012 05:19:08 AM UTC, comment #9: 

YouTube displays the Al Jazeera stream as down, but Linterna Mágica (trunk) is able to extract the link. Because of the waring message YouTube displays, Linterna Mágica is displaced and only the header is displayed at the bottom of the player area.

If you copy the link from the "Save the video clip" and play it with mplayer (with RTMP support), it should work:

mplayer rtmp://aljaze.... # The whole link is not copied on purpose.

It is true that the other live streams do not work. Haven't figured out why yet.

About gecko-mediaplayer activation. There is a browser (for all) glitch/bug when there are multiple plugins for the same mimetype installed. It should be only one active plugin. In IceCat/Abrowser/IceWeasel/Firefox plugins can be enabled/disabled from the Add-ons tab. For other browsers plugins should be disabled manually from the OS. Have in mind that in Trisquel the totem-mozilla package is kind of a system dependency and removing it will break the system, or at least the GUI:

$ apt-cache rdepends  totem-mozilla
Reverse Depends:

The safest way is to remove the files directly and when done experimenting, remove the unwanted browser plugins. If the desired plugin is totem-mozilla, its files should be restored. These are the files that the browser uses:

$ dpkg -L totem-mozilla  |grep \.so

To restore totem-mozilla when done:

$ aptitude reinstall totem-mozilla

Ivaylo Valkov <valkov>
Group administrator
Mon 30 Jul 2012 11:50:55 PM UTC, comment #8: 

OK, I finally could install the gecko-mediaplayer (I'm just clumsier than I thought).

The problem is that it looks as the Al Jazeera is down for some reason. I'll be checkin' every now and then to see if it works.

As for the others, sometimes Linterna Mágica loads, but not the video, and for some others it doesn't load at all.

Just one silly question: I have installed the plugin, but do I have to do something else (i.e. make it the default one)? I know this will be silly, but it's better to ask...

Ibon <obibon>
Thu 05 Jul 2012 04:53:48 PM UTC, comment #7: 

Unfortunately I'm having issues when trying to install the gecko-mediaplayer, so I cannot check that.

Ibon <obibon>
Tue 03 Jul 2012 04:42:02 PM UTC, comment #6: 

As I said the only video plugin that could handle the RTMP streams in the Al Jazeera English Live Stream, is gecko-mediaplayer, since it is using MPlayer as a backend. The standard plugin in Trisquel is Totem.

As far as I remember gecko-mediaplayer is not available by default in Trisquel. If you copy the links from the HD links list and play them with MPlayer (1.0rc4 or higher; or the appropriate svn build), they should work.

I've tested few live streams from the link you provided. The extracted links are HTTP, but none load.

I'll see if I can fix this.

Ivaylo Valkov <valkov>
Group administrator
Tue 03 Jul 2012 09:32:55 AM UTC, comment #5: 

OK, now it makes sense to me.

Well, I just tried it in Midori, and Linterna Mágica doesn't load at all on theese streams.

It's not like on other websites where it loads, but can't see the video (waiting for plug-in or something like that), it doesn't load at all.

Ibon <obibon>
Tue 03 Jul 2012 04:44:41 AM UTC, comment #4: 

Thanks for the link.

There is a subsection [1] at the downloads section of the website for unstable builds. There is an automatically build userscript every night with the latest changes. The script is build from a version control system, called subversion (svn) that is used to organize and manage software development. Could you test the unstable version build from svn trunk?

When enough bugs are fixed, there will be a new release (stable or bug-fix), that will have this fix. Until then only the svn trunk versions (and automatic builds) will have them.

[1] http://linterna-magica.nongnu.org/#download-unstable

Ivaylo Valkov <valkov>
Group administrator
Mon 02 Jul 2012 07:56:55 PM UTC, comment #3: 


There you can see all the live stream channels, I guess.

I didn't understand that you said about the automatic svn (I don't have much technical knowledge...). Does it mean that it should work? Or do I have to do something?

Ibon <obibon>
Sun 01 Jul 2012 06:51:46 PM UTC, comment #2: 

Revision 291 has a working code for the provided link. Please test the automatic svn build for trunk from the website with the provided link and with any other YouTube live streams you know of, or provide them, so I can test them myself. Report any issues with this fix. Thanks.

The extracted links for the provided live stream are RTMP. The only player I know that can handle them is MPlayer (version 1.0rc4 and above), which has support for RTMP. Another option might be rtmpdump. Any plugin different than gecko-media player (runs MPlayer) might not be able to play them. I've tested the links, by copying them from the browser and playing them trough MPlayer. I'm also on Trisquel 5.5 and the MPLayer version provided works with the streams.

Ivaylo Valkov <valkov>
Group administrator
Sun 01 Jul 2012 11:37:39 AM UTC, comment #1: 

It might not be needed, but I forgot to say that I'm using Abrowser (Firefox) 13.0 and Midori 0.4.3 on Trisquel 5.5

Ibon <obibon>
Sun 01 Jul 2012 11:34:12 AM UTC, original submission:  


Well, I haven't had any problems in YouTube when watching any videos, in fact, Linterna Mágica works better and faster than any other thing I've tried, but unfortunately it doesn't work with live stream.


I don't know if this has anything to do with it being live and not an actual video file, or if it is possible, but it could be great!

Ibon <obibon>


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