bugWeeChat - Bugs: bug #40313, sudo make install doesn't always...


bug #40313: sudo make install doesn't always create symlink in /usr/local/bin

Submitter:  -X- <paulw2u>
Submitted:  Sun 20 Oct 2013 01:12:05 PM UTC
Category:  compilation Severity:  3 - Normal
Item Group:  compile/install Status:  Fixed
Privacy:  Public Assigned to:  flashcode
Originator Name:  Open/Closed:  Closed
Release:  * 0.4.3 IRC nick:  PaulW2U
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Sat 24 Jan 2015 03:34:39 PM UTC, comment #3: 

Finally fixed!

Sebastien Helleu <flashcode>
Group administrator
Sun 20 Oct 2013 04:54:35 PM UTC, comment #2: 

I'm using cmake to compile WeeChat. I think this problem only occurs about 1 in 5 times. That is what is strange. It might happen on one PC and not the other. Next time both might be ok or it might be the other one that suffers the problem. They're both kept up-to-date and are updated at the same time with the latest git changes.

I've been starting WeeChat from a tmux session with a pre-configured start-up programs so I'll just run "weechat". So the missing symlink won't affect me now. I must have missed the change.

-X- <paulw2u>
Sun 20 Oct 2013 04:34:01 PM UTC, comment #1: 

In order to fix the problem, I would like if possible a way to reproduce the problem. Are you compiling with cmake or autotools?
And does the problem happen on every "sudo make install"?

By the way, starting from version 0.4.2, it is recommended to run "weechat" instead of "weechat-curses", which is now a symbolic link for compatiblity. If you upgrade from an older release, you can force the name of the binary (see /help upgrade and the release notes for 0.4.2: http://weechat.org/files/releasenotes/ReleaseNotes-0.4.2.html).

Sebastien Helleu <flashcode>
Group administrator
Sun 20 Oct 2013 01:12:05 PM UTC, original submission:  

I have my development copy of WeeChat installed in /usr/local/bin/ and re-compile WeeChat from git sources regularly. I started to notice with 0.4.2 and now 0.4.3 that /upgrade would crash WeeChat.

I found that the symlink in /usr/local/bin would often be missing and I would have to 'sudo make install' again to create the symlink. All I would see in /usr/local/bin was the WeeChat binary along with a few other files that are not related to WeeChat.

I see this probblem regularly on two PCs, both running 64-bit Kubuntu. If there are several git updates during the day I might see this once or twice but interestingly I won't see the problem on both PCs at the same time or with the same update.

I no longer install WeeChat from either the Ubuntu repositories or from a PPA. The only version on either PC is the version that I compile from source.

-X- <paulw2u>


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    Date Changed by Updated Field Previous Value => Replaced by
    2015-01-25 flashcode Open/ClosedOpen Closed
    2015-01-24 flashcode StatusIn Progress Fixed
    2015-01-23 flashcode Release1.1 0.4.3
    2015-01-23 flashcode StatusNeed Info In Progress
        Release0.4.3 1.1
    2014-02-09 flashcode Release3.3-dev 0.4.3
    2013-10-20 flashcode StatusNone Need Info
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    2013-10-20 paulw2u Carbon-CopyRemoved -email is unavailable- -
    2013-10-20 paulw2u Carbon-Copy- Added -email is unavailable-

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