bugstoreBackup - Bugs: bug #40839, no gnucp: internal error: cannot...


bug #40839: no gnucp: internal error: cannot save file tyes Sbcp

Submitter:  None
Submitted:  Sun 08 Dec 2013 07:14:25 PM UTC
Category:  None Severity:  3 - Normal
Item Group:  None Status:  Fixed
Privacy:  Public Assigned to:  None
Open/Closed:  Open
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Tue 10 Dec 2013 08:14:17 PM UTC, comment #3: 


today it looks fine. So from my point of view - this bug can be closed.


Ulf <ulfi>
Sun 08 Dec 2013 10:02:01 PM UTC, comment #2: 


officially the previous version @12.3 was 3.2 and the new version @13.1 is 3.4.2.

But my config files are very old.

I hope tomorrow I can give you a feedback if it works.


Ulf <ulfi>
Sun 08 Dec 2013 07:27:33 PM UTC, comment #1: 


From which version do you come to what new version (storebackup version, not SUSE version)?

This error message means that you want to store special files. Therefore you have to tell storeBackup, that you have gnu-cp installed (which is the case on all Linux systems).

In the configuration file, set:


(or --cpIsGnu on the command line)

But the fact that you get this error message seems to tell that you upgraded from a very old version. So it is probably better to generate / take a new configuration file and transfer your old configuration to the new one.

Hope this helps.

Heinz-Josef Claes <hjclaes>
Group administrator
Sun 08 Dec 2013 07:14:25 PM UTC, original submission:  

After the update to openSUSE 13.1, I became the following error in the storeBackup.log:
ERROR     no gnucp: internal error: cannot save file tyes Sbcp
ERROR     caught signal 1, terminating
And the Backup do not start!!!

Have someone an Idea what can be the reason. How can I find the file with Sbcp type? What can I do, that the backup run! So in the moment the backup doesn’t start (from my /home).



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