bugstoreBackup - Bugs: bug #42325, linkToRecent problem in 3.5


bug #42325: linkToRecent problem in 3.5

Submitter:  None
Submitted:  Fri 09 May 2014 10:16:23 AM UTC
Category:  None Severity:  3 - Normal
Item Group:  None Status:  Fixed
Privacy:  Public Assigned to:  None
Open/Closed:  Open
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Thu 17 Dec 2015 08:01:12 AM UTC, comment #3: 

It's already corrected for the next version.
Unfortunately, I don't know when the next version will be released because of too much work in my job.
Please simply create the symlink like you want (same name) manually and then it will be updated like configured.

Heinz-Josef Claes <hjclaes>
Group administrator
Wed 09 Dec 2015 11:14:23 AM UTC, comment #2: 

Hi! So I'm also hitting this bug. Since you already have a fix: when do you plan to release this fix?

Sat 10 May 2014 06:37:58 AM UTC, comment #1: 

Hi, thanks for the hint.
This is corrected in the next release.

Heinz-Josef Claes <hjclaes>
Group administrator
Fri 09 May 2014 10:16:23 AM UTC, original submission:  

In storeBackup version 3.5 '--linkToRecent' does not work the first time backup runs, it does not create the symlink.

It is only the first time when it have to create the symlink, if the symlink was present in the first place storeBackup version 3.5 will work as expected with '--linkToRecent'.

Using older storeBackup version 3.4.3 and down works.



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    2014-05-10 hjclaes StatusNone Fixed

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