bugpyFormex - Bugs: bug #46643, Specifying node and element offset...


bug #46643: Specifying node and element offset in fe_abq.AbqData.write

Submitter:  Nic Debusschere <ndbussch>
Submitted:  Wed 09 Dec 2015 04:31:40 PM UTC
Category:  None Severity:  3 - Normal
Item Group:  Feature request Status:  None
Privacy:  Public Assigned to:  None
Open/Closed:  Open
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Fri 04 Mar 2016 09:28:17 AM UTC, comment #2: 

I suppose that the sets will automatically have the correct offset:


The change is experimental and should NOT affect the current functionalities, so default offset should be 1

gianluca de santis <gianlucadesi>
Group Member
Thu 03 Mar 2016 07:51:29 PM UTC, comment #1: 

i agree and i think is needed. It is easy to implement, i did it already in a personal copy of this plugin.

Few point of discussion:

nofs=0 and eofs=0
should be the default as pyformex offsets, inside an additional offset +1 will be added.

is there any case which can be wrongly affected by the offset? i thought whether some element ids or node ids are passed to the ABQData as string. To my knowledge it is never the case, except for some workaround to pass element number + surface labels for solid types in fmtSurface via label parameter. Though this are just ways to trick the function and it is not the proper way to use it.

I will work on it. Please let me know of any objection, special cases which might raise problems. In any case with the default value the function will work as before, so any problem related the offsets should not affect the previous behaviour of the function.

francesco <francio>
Group Member
Wed 09 Dec 2015 04:31:40 PM UTC, original submission:  

In the newest fe_abq_new plugin, the AbqData.write does not allow to specify the node or element offset for numbering in the input file. Since this feature is already implemented for writeNodes, writeElems and writeSet, it should be easy to implement this for AbqData.write. This could be handy when working with import analyses.

>>> data = AbqData(...)
>>> data.write('Job-1.inp', nofs=1000, eofs=1000)

Default would then be nofs=1 and eofs=1

Nic Debusschere <ndbussch>
Group Member


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    Date Changed by Updated Field Previous Value => Replaced by
    2016-03-03 francio Severity2 - Minor 3 - Normal

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