bugstoreBackup - Bugs: bug #46680, postcommand not executed if there...


bug #46680: postcommand not executed if there is an error during backup

Submitter:  None
Submitted:  Sun 13 Dec 2015 09:09:13 AM UTC
Category:  None Severity:  3 - Normal
Item Group:  None Status:  None
Privacy:  Public Assigned to:  None
Open/Closed:  Open
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Thu 24 Dec 2015 12:58:31 PM UTC, comment #5: 

The plan for the next release is to make a release candidate because the changes are mostly everywhere in the code. Due to too much (but interesting) work in my job and now surprisingly health problems in my family I'm not able to seriously plan a schedule for that release candidate. Maybe in some months!?

Next release will (hopefully) support the following (among others):
- use other checksums than md5 (this seems to work, but conversion of existing backups from <checkSum1> to <checkSum2> (eg. from md5 to shar256) is not yet ready.
- parallel replication to different targets (nothing done, but shouldn't be too difficult)
- running a backup without access (especially write access) to previous backups. (A cacker on your fileserver can delete your data and also your backups (except replications). The solution to this problem is very simple and already possible now with some scripts.)

Heinz-Josef Claes <hjclaes>
Group administrator
Fri 18 Dec 2015 11:55:14 AM UTC, comment #4: 

Good to hear that the idea with the END-block is working.

Do you have a shedule for the release already?
Or maybe just a developer preview available?

Thu 17 Dec 2015 09:33:25 AM UTC, comment #3: 

Ok, I tried with END and it seems to work.
It's called in END only if it didn't run before in the normal way (like now).

Will be included in the next release.

Thank's for the hint(s),

Heinz-Josef Claes <hjclaes>
Group administrator
Sun 13 Dec 2015 09:20:17 PM UTC, comment #2: 

Ok, I can see you point for not changing the parameter postcommand.

Maybe its much easier to set an exit hook (like END{...} in perl) and add a paramater like "exitcommand" to storeBackup.

Then IMHO we could have both behaviors without much effort.

Sun 13 Dec 2015 10:26:20 AM UTC, comment #1: 

I think there are arguments for both behaviors. But - simply - it would be very time consuming and maybe difficult to change this behavior.

So there are no plans to change it in the foreseeable future.

Heinz-Josef Claes <hjclaes>
Group administrator
Sun 13 Dec 2015 09:09:13 AM UTC, original submission:  

I use precommand to mount and postcommand to unmount a folder on a remote server via sshfs like this:

precommand= sshfs root@remote:/etc /backup/mnt/
postcommand = fusermount -u /backup/mnt/

Works fine when there is no error during the backup.
When there is an error (a simple test-case would be when exceptDirs points to a non-existing folder), the postcommand is not executed. Thus the mount is still mounted when storeBackup finished and the next backup fails since it cannot mount the sshfs.

Is this an desired behavior, that the postcommand is not executed if there was an error?



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