bugcvsreport - Bugs: bug #5017, CVSReport sends multiple emails to...


bug #5017: CVSReport sends multiple emails to each user.

Submitter:  Sebastien Metrot <meeloo>
Submitted:  Mon 01 Sep 2003 10:14:25 AM UTC
Category:  None Severity:  2 - Minor
Item Group:  None Status:  None
Privacy:  Public Assigned to:  zerodeux
Open/Closed:  Open
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Wed 04 Feb 2004 08:17:17 PM UTC, comment #3: 

Is this still broken, or has it been fixed in the 10/2003 version?

Stefan Wasilewski <smw>
Mon 22 Sep 2003 05:21:24 PM UTC, comment #2: 

It looks like an indirect consequence of history parsing problems when there are whitespaces in file and/or module names.

When such a file path is badly parsed, version info can't be retrieved (log message, timestamp, user, etc). The default for such a case is to consider the file to belong to a different changeset, hence the multiple messages for a single commit. I still consider this to be the 'safest' default since it only generate extra reports instead of false reports (ie. wrong aggregations of file in the same changeset). And actually the problem is really in history parsing, not in changeset detection.

For the history parsing part, the best we can do is have a new path to parse directly from CVSROOT/history when $cvsroot is local. It is feasible, although I'd like to do it right, ie. without clobbering parse_history() which is already quite touchy.

I expect to fix this soon (~1 week).

Vincent Caron <zerodeux>
Group administrator
Mon 01 Sep 2003 12:28:19 PM UTC, comment #1: 

I need the debug output to trace the problem, see bug submission instructions at http://savannah.nongnu.org/bugs/?func=addbug&group=cvsreport

Note that the '+' is not relevant in your cvsreport invocation, it will actually try to mail the report to user '+'.

Vincent Caron <zerodeux>
Group administrator
Mon 01 Sep 2003 10:14:25 AM UTC, original submission:  

I installed CVSReport 0.3.2 on my Debian Linux box. CVSReport sends multiple commit emails on each operation instead of just sending one. It seems there is a corelation in etween the number of touched files and the number of emails sent but It's not straitforward.

Linux meeloo.net 2.4.16-686 #1 Wed Nov 28 09:27:17 EST 2001 i686 GNU/Linux
Server CVS Version: 1.12.1
Client CVS: MacOSX cvs and WinXP/Cygwin mainly (and the problem is there from both OSes, they all connect via SSH).

Content of the commitinfo file:
ALL    cvsreport -e 'mail html -email is unavailable- + jankoen@XXX.nl'

Let me know if you need any other information?

Thanks a lot in advance,


Sebastien Metrot <meeloo>


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Date Changed by Updated Field Previous Value => Replaced by
2003-09-22 zerodeux Severity3 - Normal None
2003-09-01 zerodeux Assigned toNone None

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