bugGnoppix - Bugs: bug #5388, handbook or how to use...


bug #5388: handbook or how to use icon/document

Submitter:  Andreas Mueller <amu>
Submitted:  Thu 18 Sep 2003 07:40:16 AM UTC
Category:  desktop Severity:  3 - Normal
Item Group:  Feature Request Status:  None
Privacy:  Public Assigned to:  #23997
Open/Closed:  Open
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Fri 19 Sep 2003 04:37:39 PM UTC, comment #1: 

Also reported in Bug #5357. This is the case for any language other than German.

Thu 18 Sep 2003 07:40:16 AM UTC, original submission:  

from Scott McNeal

When you pass the lang=us to the kernel at boot for english, several desktop
items lose their names, believe it was Gimp, Set Root Pass and Evolution
icons.  Also seems a "tips" document on the root of the CD would be a nice
addition.  IMO.

Andreas Mueller <amu>
Group administrator


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Follow 4 latest changes.

Date Changed by Updated Field Previous Value => Replaced by
2003-10-13 amu Assigned tobene None
2003-10-07 herzi Assigned toherzi None
2003-10-03 amu Assigned toamu None
2003-09-18 amu Summaryhandbook or how to use icon/doument

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