bugNormalize Audio - Bugs: bug #58766, Please add option to recurse into...


bug #58766: Please add option to recurse into subdirectories

Submitter:  Ben Postma <benna136>
Submitted:  Wed 15 Jul 2020 04:08:53 AM UTC
Severity:  3 - Normal Status:  None
Privacy:  Public Assigned to:  None
Open/Closed:  Open
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Wed 15 Jul 2020 04:08:53 AM UTC, original submission:  

Mint 20 / Ubuntu 20 seem to have removed python-rgain (repalygain) and mp3gain. So there is no way to normalize audio files left. BUT fortunately normalize-audio is there and works and supports MP3 files by default! THANK YOU!!!!

One issue I have is, please add a -R recurse option. It can happen that you have a folder with many sub folders with MP3 files in them, and it is hard to normalize them all. I tried various tools to put them all on the command line but it caused problems and the list may be very long.

I see the code is mostly C/C++ so I can try and add the code and you can review and approve it if you like?

I see now in the readme you are planning on adding it for version 0.8. That will be great.

Finding the readme for this eluded me since the name is somewhat generic. At the VERY least please have the --help for it show what is shown under "7. How do I normalize a whole tree of files recursively?" in the README.

Please and thank you.

This is a great program, thank you for providing it.

Ben Postma <benna136>


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