bugh-source - Bugs: bug #62574, something is wrong with the server


bug #62574: something is wrong with the server

Submitter:  Yuchen Pei <ycp>
Submitted:  Fri 03 Jun 2022 08:50:44 AM UTC
Category:  None Severity:  4 - Important
Item Group:  None Status:  None
Privacy:  Public Assigned to:  None
Open/Closed:  Open
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Thu 16 Jun 2022 02:22:11 PM UTC, comment #9: 

comment #8:

> I mean, how is sql_mode being set? If it's set with something like SET sql_mode=... when the database server is running, this is not persistent, and the server will revert back to STRICT_TRANS_TABLES on when it restarts, as this is the default in MariaDB 10.3. This was changed in MariaDB 10.2, so presumably the previous version of the server was 10.1 or below, when this problem wouldn't have occurred.

Yes, that's more or less how it is done (SET GLOBAL sql_mode=...), now with by a cron job.  I didn't know this difference between MariaDB versions, but that does make sense, especially if automated package updates restarts the server.

Thanks for the info.

> It would also make sense to identify the cause of this so as not to require STRICT_TRANS_TABLES to be off. Things failing with it on imply that when it's off and seemingly working, there are automatic adjustments to invalid values happening.

That makes sense.  Do you by any chance have a suggestion where to look in the codebase?

Yuchen Pei <ycp>
Group administrator
Wed 15 Jun 2022 02:40:52 PM UTC, comment #8: 

I mean, how is sql_mode being set? If it's set with something like SET sql_mode=... when the database server is running, this is not persistent, and the server will revert back to STRICT_TRANS_TABLES on when it restarts, as this is the default in MariaDB 10.3. This was changed in MariaDB 10.2, so presumably the previous version of the server was 10.1 or below, when this problem wouldn't have occurred.

It would also make sense to identify the cause of this so as not to require STRICT_TRANS_TABLES to be off. Things failing with it on imply that when it's off and seemingly working, there are automatic adjustments to invalid values happening.

Ian Gilfillan <greenman>
Group administrator
Wed 15 Jun 2022 02:16:15 PM UTC, comment #7: 

comment #5:

> What version of the database is being used on the server?

# mysql --version
mysql  Ver 15.1 Distrib 10.3.34-MariaDB, for debian-linux-gnu (x86_64) using readline 5.2

> How was the issue addressed when updating the sql_mode?

People can log in, create users, update entries when STRICT_TRANS_TABLES is removed / disabled.

Or were you saying this is not the proper way of addressing the issue?

Yuchen Pei <ycp>
Group administrator
Wed 15 Jun 2022 02:06:07 PM UTC, comment #6: 

Fixed by adding a cron job setting the sql modes.  Closing again.

Yuchen Pei <ycp>
Group administrator
Wed 15 Jun 2022 02:00:12 PM UTC, comment #5: 

What version of the database is being used on the server? How was the issue addressed when updating the sql_mode?

Ian Gilfillan <greenman>
Group administrator
Wed 15 Jun 2022 01:39:51 PM UTC, comment #4: 

Reopening this, as it happened again today.

The cause is that server is allergic to the sql mode STRICT_TRANS_TABLES, and whenever this mode is on, clients seem to be unable to make updates to entries.  There are several possible ways to fix this:

1. Find out why STRICT_TRANS_TABLES causes the problem and fix it.
2. Find out why STRICT_TRANS_TABLES keeps getting flipped back on the server on and fix it.
3. Set up a (daily?) cron job to monitor the server - see https://lists.nongnu.org/archive/html/h-source-users/2022-06/msg00026.html

Yuchen Pei <ycp>
Group administrator
Wed 08 Jun 2022 12:19:31 AM UTC, comment #3: 

Seems like this is fixed.  Closing.

Yuchen Pei <ycp>
Group administrator
Mon 06 Jun 2022 02:02:18 PM UTC, comment #2: 

comment #1:

> I'm having the problem you have but a problem trying to create a account on h node address at https://h-node.org/users/add/en every time I try to create an account it just restarts the whole process after acting as if I put something wrong without warning to what I did wrong.

Sorry about the problem.  I made some changes to the server, and it seems less broken now (if not completely fixed).  Do you mind trying again?

Yuchen Pei <ycp>
Group administrator
Fri 03 Jun 2022 05:03:36 PM UTC, comment #1: 

I'm having the problem you have but a problem trying to create a account on h node address at https://h-node.org/users/add/en every time I try to create an account it just restarts the whole process after acting as if I put something wrong without warning to what I did wrong. After many days of trying to create a account at h node because I wanted to list the pros and con to what works fine without non free firmware blobs, and what works and add my hp 400-434 to the data base cannot until this is fixed. I have been send here from Yuchen Pei to file this report and glad he,she,they,or them sent me to the right place to report this issue. What are some other alternatives other than fsf, h node, and respects your freedom to make a wiki page about this machine until this is fixed?

Thomas bricker <ninetenbricker>
Fri 03 Jun 2022 08:50:44 AM UTC, original submission:  
Yuchen Pei <ycp>
Group administrator


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