bugManeage - Bugs: bug #63101, oberdiek update causes failure to...


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bug #63101: oberdiek update causes failure to find pdfcol.sty

Submitter:  Boud Roukema <boud>
Submitted:  Sat 24 Sep 2022 11:24:51 PM UTC
Category:  Software Severity:  3 - Normal
Item Group:  Crash Status:  Works For Me
Privacy:  Public Assigned to:  None
Open/Closed:  Open

Sat 24 Sep 2022 11:24:51 PM UTC, original submission:  

In September 2022, the 'pdfcol' package was separated out of the LaTeX package 'oberdiek', which is indirectly required by some common LaTeX packages, so 'pdfcol' needs to be installed as an individual texlive package. The change occurred between 'oberdiek' revision IDs 61066 and 64463, causing a fatal LaTeX error in the second, but not the first, of two almost successive installs of a package with a change that was irrelevant for LaTeX:

! LaTeX Error: File `pdfcol.sty' not found.
l.23 \pdfcolInitStack

Commit e2bc511 [2], one commit beyond 4318670, fixes this bug for me by adding 'pdfcol' to the texlive entry in 'reproduce/software/config/texlive-packages.conf'. A brief hint for people trying to find where the texlive install log is is also added as a comment in this commit.

[1] https://github.com/ho-tex/oberdiek/commit/57cd8aeae9d2468726270b4855362511fe88b511

[2] https://codeberg.org/boud/maneage_dev/commit/e2bc511330486c66ef1c0713a91cd54c859b9782

Boud Roukema <boud>
Group Member


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