bugPublic Action Center - Bugs: bug #6502, list of small bugs in Edit Action...


bug #6502: list of small bugs in Edit Action Recipient List

Submitter:  Sarah Brown <sbrown>
Submitted:  Wed 12 Nov 2003 02:23:38 PM UTC
Category:  None Severity:  3 - Normal
Item Group:  None Status:  None
Privacy:  Public Assigned to:  tvon
Open/Closed:  Open
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Wed 12 Nov 2003 03:42:08 PM UTC, comment #2: 

I changed the way the 'Participating US Groups' selection works (and actually it should be the 'Current Position' instead).  Now it gets all the unique values for 'Current Position' from all the AR's.  I thought this was the best way to do it (so no matter what position someone has, they will show up in that list).

So, it looks like there is still some bunk data in the PVS database.  I'll have to edit the import script and re-add the PVS data.

Tom von Schwerdtner <tvon>
Group administrator
Wed 12 Nov 2003 02:34:33 PM UTC, comment #1: 
  • Also--I'm not sure why current office is necessary to have. Can you remind me how it's used? Otherwise, we should probably remove it.
Sarah Brown <sbrown>
Group administrator
Wed 12 Nov 2003 02:23:38 PM UTC, original submission:  
  • there is a "Deceased", "Resigned" and "Retiring" in the "Participating US Groups"

  • if I choose "United States" as the country field, is it then necessary for me to select all the states as well?

  • United States should be moved to the top of the country list, if possible

  • In "Participating US Groups", it would make sense to split them up by city/state/federal government. It's hard to tell what's what. (actually, I see that you have them somewhat marked, but not all of them, and it's not consistant)
Sarah Brown <sbrown>
Group administrator


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Date Changed by Updated Field Previous Value => Replaced by
2003-11-12 tvon Severity2 - Minor None
2003-11-12 sbrown Assigned toNone None

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