bugAxiom Computer Algebra System - Bugs: bug #9648, algebra creates the file...


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bug #9648: algebra creates the file 'code.lsp', this needs to be renamed before compile

Submitter:  Tim Daly <axiom>
Submitted:  Thu 15 Jul 2004 03:13:39 AM UTC
Category:  build process Severity:  2 - Minor
Item Group:  feature request Status:  transferred
Privacy:  Public Assigned to:  axiom
Originator Name:  Tim Daly Open/Closed:  Open
Release:  current Reproducibility:  None
Fixed Release: 
Error message: 

Example of code trigerring the bug: 

Internal cause: 

Thu 15 Jul 2004 03:13:39 AM UTC, original submission:  

Greetings!  Just a quick note on an observation I've made in putting
together the latest Debian package.  As you may recall, we are
skipping the database rebuilding step on ia64, alpha, hppa, mips and
mipsel, as we cannot natively relocate objects on these machines yet,
and they therefore use dlopen, which takes up too many file handles in
this step.  Even were this surmounted, another difficulty would arise
-- all the algebra files are compiled with the filename "code.lsp"
before renaming the .o file as appropriate.  This names the lisp
initialization function in each object "init_code", causing a linker
conflict, and results in a failure to find the sought init functions
determined by filename at load time, e.g. init_AHYB, etc.

We do intend to  get native relocation on these machines, but it will
likely take considerable time.  Might it be quicker to rename the
code.lsp before compiling?

Tim Daly <axiom>
Group administrator


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Date Changed by Updated Field Previous Value => Replaced by
2005-01-21 billpage1 StatusNone transferred
2004-07-15 axiom Carbon-Copy- Added daly --AT-- idsi --DOT-- net

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