CERTI - Bugs: Dependencies
bugs #23431: In TwoLevelController demo, the function timeAdvReq is not work
- bugs #23460: enableTimeRegulation does not set lookahead
bugs #24753: Make CERTI SISO DLC HLA 1.3 compliant or DLC with other RTI
- bugs #24420: getRegionToken() and getRegion() not implemented
- task #6904: Data Distribution Management
bugs #29453: No implementation for startRegistrationForObjectClass in the file RTIA_network.cc
- task #6893: Implement notification services
bugs #30003: How to handle circular dependency between libRTI and libFedTime
- bugs #24930: Win32 build is broken: Circular dependencies between libCERTI and libRTI-NG
- task #10290: Implement [part of] IEEE-1516 API
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