bugJailkit - Bugs: bug #58213, Problem with jailhome definition


bug #58213: Problem with jailhome definition

Submitter:  Cyprien Pouzenc <cypouz>
Submitted:  Mon 20 Apr 2020 03:13:05 PM UTC
Category:  None Severity:  3 - Normal
Item Group:  None Status:  Fixed
Privacy:  Public Assigned to:  None
Open/Closed:  Open
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Fri 24 Jul 2020 08:58:51 PM UTC, comment #1: 

thanks, fixed in revision: 1.40

Olivier Sessink <oli4>
Group administrator
Mon 20 Apr 2020 03:13:05 PM UTC, original submission:  

In `jk_jailuser` file, there is a problem with the definition of the `jailhome` variable. I think the problem is in the bloc of the `addusertojail()` function definition:

        if (dirinjail(pw[5], jail)):
                if (pw[5][0:len(jail)+3] == jail+'/./'):
                        jailhome = pw[5][len(jail)+2:]
                        jailhome = pw[5][len(jail):]
                jailhome = pw[5]

If my jail directory is `/home/jail` and my user to jail is `alice`, so `(dirinjail(pw[5], jail))` is false because /home/jail is not equal to /home/alic (without the `e` because of `len(jail)` in `dirinjail()` function). In this case, jailhome = /home/alice. It's OK.

If my jail directory is `/home/jail` and my user to jail is `jailalice`, so `(dirinjail(pw[5], jail))` is true because /home/jail is equal to /home/jail (in fact /home/jailalice truncated, due to `len(jail)` in `dirinjail()` function). In this case, jailhome = alice. Not `/home/jailalice`. It's a problem because, in `/home/jail/etc/passwd`, the home directory of jailalice user will be `alice`, not `/home/jailalice`.

In short, the user to jail must not begin with the same word as the jail directory. This case is not tested in `jk_jailuser` file. Or the `jailhome` definition must to be changed.

Cyprien Pouzenc <cypouz>


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