bugGlobulation 2 - Bugs: bug #16250, Changing water level mod


bug #16250: Changing water level mod

Submitter:  Kai Antweiler <snth>
Submitted:  Sun 02 Apr 2006 04:30:21 PM UTC
Severity:  1 - Wish Status:  None
Assigned to:  None Open/Closed:  Open
Release:  None Operating System:  None
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Sun 02 Apr 2006 04:30:21 PM UTC, original submission:  

This could be a worms-like rising water that increases till the map is
flooded.  Buildings that are on a field which turns to water are
destroyed including all globs inside.

Or tides:  Water just propagates a bit or withdraws -
depending on which tide is right now.

Or water withdraws constantly.  Might increase the atmosphere on
law resource maps.
Swimming pools become useless by and by.

Or leo's atlantis:
All start on the shores of the same big island that slowly vanishes.
This could be implemented by using hight-map based maps.
They'd be useful for the simple water withdraw too.

the visual transition as just switching will look ugly.

Could transient water graphics on top of the lower fields
solve this?

Kai Antweiler <snth>
Group administrator


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