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Browsing Savannah with buggy mozilla

Item posted by Mathieu Roy <yeupou> on Tue 17 Dec 2002 09:52:48 AM UTC.

Mozilla version 1.1/1.2 does not show correctly listboxes with a ":hover" attribute, which is totally standard compliant.

We we'll not remove standard compliant features, it's the mozilla developers (and users) problem to conform with it. But you can use the theme called "sad" which is very basic, without the ":hover" attribute in listboxes. You can also try : linuxfrpointorg, codex, forest, water,

Whatever :-) (posted by Fernando Lalo Martins, Mon 23 Dec 2002 11:59:49 PM UTC)

I don't know what should look wrong or different with the listboxes, but I find the savannah theme pretty usable, even if I uncomment the select:hover declaration.  In fact, I rather prefer it uncommented.

On the other hand I personally prefer the theme.

Note (posted by Mathieu Roy, Tue 17 Dec 2002 07:07:15 PM UTC)

Note that I have absolutely nothing against mozilla team and user, as I'm a mozilla user too.

There's a bug in mozilla, as bugs exists  in any software, that's all. It's not an insult.

When I wrote "we" in this news, I meant me, because currently, "we" are frequently me.

But Guillaume Morin felt it was important to provide a default theme usable with ease with mozilla 1.1/1.2 commented out the problematic part.

For the record (posted by Mathieu Roy, Tue 17 Dec 2002 09:59:32 AM UTC)



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