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New CVS access methods

Item posted by Loïc Dachary <loic> on Wed 12 Dec 2001 01:32:42 PM UTC.

The CVS server was compiled to allow Kerberos authentication. Assuming a developer has a kerberos account on, she can now use the :gserver: method instead of CVS over ssh. This can only be used by GNU volunteers. Savannah itself does not provide a mean to get a kerberos account on In addition, for people living behind a fascist firewall, the port 443 (https) can be used to access the CVS tree with the :pserver: or :gserver: methods.

The CVS information page for each project was updated to explain the syntax to use. GSSAPI (named :gserver: on the command line) has essentially the same syntax as CVS over ssh:

cvs -d co module

The advantage of using :gserver: is that you don't need to register the ssh public key thru the web interface. Although quite rare, some people are more confortable with kerberos than with ssh and this facility is meant to help them.

If a firewall blocks the access to the port used by :gserver: and :pserver: (2401), one can instead use the 443 port (https) which is usually open so that people can browse the web using https. The default port may be modified in the following way:

cvs -d co module

The :gserver: access method and the use of the 443 port were indeed impemented on long ago. Some months ago they stopped working and nobody cared to fix them. Since they are only used by a few people, the probability for these access methods to stop working properly in the future is not null. If you care about these access method and want them to work forever, the best solution is to help maintaining them.

Mac CVS access (posted by Reid Ellis, Sun 23 Dec 2001 02:48:09 AM UTC)

For my Savannah project, gmone, I am using MacCVS Pro -- -- which is the only CVS client available that can handle the multi-fork file system used under MacOS. The command-line cvs client cannot do this, which makes it a non-starter. Unfortunately, there is no provision in MacCVS Pro to supply an SSH key for authentication.

Is there any chance that simple SSH+password access will be allowed? This has been a barrier to my being able to check in any of my code to date.


P.S. Hm, perhaps I should mail this somewhere as well, but I'm not sure where.



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